Our van and Mrs. Merkel: What happened?
We have been involved in an accident. From the person causing the accident or his insurance you get only refund the residual value of the vehicle. And this is at a 25 year old Transportation = zero, even though he had for years served us well. And so he exists only in the H0 format on southern Germany’s biggest model railway.
Now the problem:
In Baden-Württemberg there are over 23 environmental zones, should be moved into the only with green emissions sticker. While bands in the North and East Germany frisky with their old boxes can amble to their performances, we are at a distinct disadvantage. Feinstaubplaketten-transporters are unfortunately recent construction and thus expensive. Alone we get this is not braced. Loans you get, unfortunately, not approved as an artist.

Constellation Germany – Principality of Liechtenstein:
Due to the special constellation of Buffalo Chips we are faced with very high costs. Fuel costs for rehearsals and performances, countless highway stamps forever new Miettransporter, tax consulting fees, etc. eat us on the fees.
Our first idea: we write Mrs. Merkel!
«Dear Mrs. Merkel, we know that you like to buy a lot of money for CDs from the Principality of Liechtenstein. We are pleased to offer here also to offer CDs from Liechtenstein: with the purchase of 1,000 CDs allow the financing of a much-needed band bus with green Feinstaubplakette to cope with environmental zones in Baden-Württemberg the steeplechase by 23 (!). Many Thanks!»
Mrs Merkel’s response:
Yes, she actually replied: «Unfortunately, they can not help, ’cultural promotion is a national matter’. Too bad. Not a CD has been ordered …»

Now you come into play: You can help. And be better as Mrs. Merkel:
You can help: thanks wemakeit you and we can do it to raise a new van for the Buffalo Chips. We finally got the opportunity to play and spontaneous concerts to play smaller clubs or even spontaneously to step in somewhere. Support us and we guarantee you funny specials and again many, many great gigs full of Rock’n’Roll…