New Physio Gym in Aathal

di 3POHealth

Seegräben e Zurigo

We are finally able to reach our dream of running our own health care practice with a new physio gym. The space is soon ours and with your help, we will be able to fill it with the best equipment.

CHF 26’228

104% di CHF 25’000

104 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

58 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 9.12.2023


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  • Thank You WeMakeIt!

    3POHealth il 4.12.2023 14:27

  • We like your project – this is why we’ve added it to our «We Fancy» category! For the next couple of days it will appear on the front page and also in the «Recommended» section.
    We’d say you can be proud of yourselves and tell everyone about it! Publish an update, make a tweet or write a post!

    Team wemakeit il 4.12.2023 14:02

  • weil es eine tolle idee ist für unser kostbarstes gut - unsere gesundheit - und weil es von tollen leuten gestaltet wird

    mark bugmann il 25.11.2023 13:59

  • Nicola und Hugo sind zwei hervorragende Therapeuten. Sie haben meine Unterstützung zu 100 % verdient. Good luck!

    Eugenio Bianchi il 24.11.2023 18:12

  • ihr einfach spitze seid 👍

    Marc_R il 18.11.2023 18:41