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Crowdfunding Campaign - «Act Five» Project
Dear friends,
First of all, we would like to thank you for your generous contributions to our crowdfunding campaign on the «wemakeit» platform. Unfortunately, we were not able to raise the targeted amount of CHF 60’000.
Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce that our Act Five project is in full swing. We hope to make it a reality in the coming months. Indeed, we have found a place that meets our criteria and our needs. Negotiations are well under way.
Coming back to Act Five, it is true that your support remains essential for the future implementation of our project. Therefore, if you are still interested, it is possible for those who wish to do so, to redirect your donations to a private joint account that serves as a depository (the opening of this account was done during this transitional stage in order to collect and gather the necessary funds, while waiting for the incorporation of the company).
Finally, we wanted to give you details on the counterparts. For those who have actually chosen these, don’t worry, all the counterparts you have chosen still hold!
The account details:
Account holders: Adrien Rossier, Christophe Kurkdjian
Bank: Credit Suisse
IBAN: CH13 0483 5159 6283 2000 0
Account: 1496283 - 20
We hope that your interest will mingle with our own, and we send you, Madam and Sir, our footballing greetings.
The Act Five team