A theatre performance by urban cube
– based on an idea by Jakub Kavin and Vera Schwarz
at Expedithalle inside the former Anker-breadfactory
13 people are locked up in a tunnel. inside a subway. They are not allowed to leave, for safety reasons.
what happens?
with: Jakob Ausserwöger, Angela Csikos, Michael Ernst, Iveta Kocifajova, Sandra Kuritko, Benedict Nguyen, Cornelia Scheuer, Katarina Šcekic, Sonja Sommer, Amadou Sow, Christine Winter u.a.
- Concept and stage direction: Jakub Kavin
- Music: Roumen Dimitrov
- Choreography: Anna Knapp
- Cinematography and editing: István Pajor
OUTSIDERS – a mirror image of the society
the group of performers will be as heterogeneous as possible: refugees and Austrians, poor and rich, beautiful and ugly, ill and healthy, heterosexual and homosexual, offenders and unblemished, Christians and Muslims, black and white, young and old people.
Outsiders is an «urban cube» production, in cooperation with the association «Neustart», the refugee help association «Ute Bock» and the UNHCR.
Thus there will be one refugee as well as an offender on probation on our subway. The other eleven performers are predominantly professionals from the dancer- and actor scenes.
OUTSIDERS is presented within the framework of «Bock auf Kultur» (Chairityfestival for the refugee help association Ute Bock)
OUTSIDERS is a theatre performance that depends on your support!
We were already able to set up a small budget, so that the event will definitely take place. At this point a warm Thank You to the city of Vienna for the financial support, to Loft City for the courtesy regarding the hall-rent and to Margret Freund from Rahnmen Bilder Spiegel for her obligingness, regarding the rent of the rehearsal space
Now, it is up to you, wether we can realize our artistic and visions.

For what exactly do we need your support?
The location is an old bread factory. We have to arrange the entire infrastructure: rent extra heating. Procure a catering. Rent the lightning- and sound system. The play will take place inside a subway, also the creation of a stage design isn’t yet financed. The advertising must be organized and financed. For all that we need your support.
The net profit of the ticket sales will be donated to the refugees help.
We came up with very special rewards for you!
- Art pieces from a Swiss-Iranian Artist
- Piano-lessons by a renowned composer
- an extraordinary cooking-class, together wit the complete OUTSIDERS-team
- sensual massages
- reduced tickets (buy 5 pay 4!)
- play readings or performances at your private party or business-event
- and many many more…

Der Spielort ist eine alte Brotfabrik. Jegliche Infrastruktur müssen wir selber herbeischaffen: Die Heizung extra anmieten. Das Catering besorgen. Die Licht- und Tonanlage anmieten. Das Stück spielt im Inneren eines U-Bahnwaggons, auch die Herstellung des Bühnenbilds ist noch nicht durchfinanziert. Die Werbung muss organisiert und finanziert werden.
Für all das brauchen wir Deine Unterstützung!
Der Reinerlös der Kartenverkäufe wird dann an die Flüchtlingshilfe gehen.

here you will receive a very limited ticket to our performance, your seat will be on stage with all the performers! The TOTAL PROCEEDS of these tickets will be donated to the refugee association UTE BOCK.