Panfili & Friends 1st Album

von Rusanda


Our first album «Primul», a new and refreshing combination between classical and folklore music, is about to be released! We need your help to transform our 3 years journey into reality!

EUR 12’370

112% von EUR 11’000

112 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

162 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 3.2.2020

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  • Tote bag front
    Tote bag front
  • Tote bag back
    Tote bag back

ar backers!

As you can imagine the COVID-19 virus has brought a lot of challenges to our campaign. We have experienced big delays in our orders and this is why we haven’t been able to ship any of the packages yet.

We are celebrating every package which arrives and cannot wait to share it all with you.

Today our specially designed tote bags arrived which are part of the «Limited Fan Pack». -They are made of organic cotton, environmental friendly and very practical for shopping. They also have a nice message : «Music is Water» - in times like this, we feel music is as vital as water as it gives us comfort, peace of mind and inspiration to go through challenges of life.

We wish you all beautiful Easter and Passover holidays and we hope to soon come with better news for you!


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Our beautiful postcards arrived today! it’s very encouraging to know that the mail system still works in Austria and hopefully our deliveries will not be too delayed. Many positive thoughts and wishes of health from Panfili&Friends

Albums soon on their way to you! Von Rusanda, am 04.03.2020

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Mission Accomplished! The Album is now ready and soon on it’s way to all of our backers! we are extremely happy about this achievement! Sorry it’s taking a little longer than planned - due to an issue with our last batch of CD’s we had to delay our planned deliveries. It should take longer than 3 weeks until all of you will hold the first «Panfili&Friends» album in their hands! Thank you again for making this happen!

Release Concert Tomorrow! Von Rusanda, am 27.02.2020

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We can’t wait to present our CD tomorrow in Vienna at the Accordion Festival. Leave a message if you would like to come and we will arrange some special ticket prices for all of our backers! Lorely Hall at 8pm! more information under :

Our Album Design is finished! Von Rusanda, am 09.02.2020

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Album cover of «Primul»
Album cover of «Primul»

We are delighted to present to you our album design, created by Daniel Domig, a brilliant Austrian painter and graphic designer.

His concept was based on the natural elements, primarily water, which gives life to everything and nourishes creation. My friends and I, who are all from different places and backgrounds, are portrayed as blossomed flowers, juxtaposed in a traditional clay vase, an iconic Romanian picturesque motif.

We hope you like it!

111% a very special number! Von Rusanda, am 03.02.2020

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credit:Stefan Panfili
credit:Stefan Panfili

Thank you to the 162 backers who made this possible!

We are proud to have achieved 111% of our goal and look forward to share our music with you!

All backers will receive an email soon with plenty of details and information!

Thank you again for making this possible!

many hugs from all Panfili&Friends Members!

Over 2 million views!Von Rusanda, am 01.02.2020

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Did you know that our cover of Hans Zimmer’s masterpiece «Chevaliers de Sangreal» reached over 2 million views on YouTube? We enjoy playing and arranging soundtracks and would love to maybe record an album with selected pieces. Let us know what you think about that!

A big Thank you to all 155 backers! Von Rusanda, am 31.01.2020

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We are overwhelmed and so happy we reached our goal! We want to thank every single one of you for the support! 155 warm hugs are coming your way!

Please enjoy one of our latest online videos - a cover by one of our favourite soundtracks - Game of Thrones - live from the Wiener Konzerthaus.

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120 Backers! thank you so much for supporting our project! we want you to be the first ones holding the Panfili&Friends album in their hands so we will make sure to deliver it to you 1 month before the official release!

New Reward - Solo Violin Session Von Rusanda, am 26.01.2020

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Thank you to the 112 amazing generous backers! We only have 1 week left, time flies and we still have to gather a bit to have a successful campaign.

We have released a new limited reward today! This one is for all musicians and composers out there who would like to have Rusanda’s playing in their song or composition. Only 2 available!

Many hugs!

Lesson and Coaching with Rusanda Von Rusanda, am 24.01.2020

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You are a violinist and would like to have a one on one lesson and coaching with Rusanda ? or maybe you play another instrument and are simply searching for inspiration and someone to guide you with ideas and tips? or maybe you would like to make a gift for someone by providing them with a violin lesson?

Rusanda created a special concept and have learned from the best teachers in the world and will love to share all her knowledge with you!

Same counts for the other music lessons with the Panfili&Friends members!

11 days to go!!! Von Rusanda, am 22.01.2020

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Thank you to the 90 backers who contributed to our campaign!! Here is a link including some of our live performances! we hope you enjoy it and can feel the energy of our group! Our upcoming album will include many of these pieces! De Falla, Dinicu, Piazzolla and much more!!

New limited reward!!! Von Rusanda, am 16.01.2020

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photo by Stefan Panfili at the Belvedere Castle Vienna
photo by Stefan Panfili at the Belvedere Castle Vienna

We are halfway through our campaign and thought to add a new and very limited reward for all of our backers! Rusanda and her brother Stefan who is a professional photographer, will offer you a sightseeing walk and Photoshooting through the beautiful city center of Vienna. We will show you the most beautiful corners of the old town, tell you a little about the history, we will stop to have a coffee at one of the most beautiful old Viennese Cafes, of course you will receive our signed CD and to have all these moments captured forever, you will receive 10 beautifully edited Photos in high quality. We hope you like this reward which can also be given as a gift to someone you believe will appreciate it! Have a wonderful day! Thank you for your support!

Sorry Von Rusanda, am 13.01.2020

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We are sorry that our presentation video is missing for a few days now. Technology sometimes gets in the way :) but you can still watch it here or on my Youtube channel, Rusanda Panfili Official. We are so grateful to all of you who contributed until now! Sending out 72 big warm hugs!!!
Have a beautiful Monday!

NEW REWARD Von Rusanda, am 09.01.2020

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

We have added a new reward to the list!

For 5 EUR you will be mentioned as an «Official Supporter» on our website ! Thank you so much for your contribution!

Don’t forget to check out all the other rewards, of course all contributors will be mentioned on our website as our official supporters too!

El Diablo Suelto con Pajarillo Von Rusanda, am 07.01.2020

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We are happy to share this video with you which was filmed and edited by Stefan Panfili during our recording days in Wavegarden Studio, Austria. «El Diablo Suelto con Pajarillo» is one of the tracks which will be on our album and comes from Venezuela, the home country of our pianist, Alfredo Ovalles. It is probably one of the most famous, traditional Venezuelan tunes, written by Heraclio Fernandez and first published in 1888. This arrangement was made by our friend Jorge Rojas. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you for supporting our project!

OVER 50% Von Rusanda, am 07.01.2020

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We are so happy and proud to have reached more than 50% of our goal in less than 2 weeks! Your support means a lot to us! Today we have been selected by WEMAKEIT to be in their «We fancy» category which means featured on the front page! We are thrilled about this news!

Thank you and Happy New Year! Von Rusanda, am 31.12.2019

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Thank you so much for supporting my first «Panfili&Friends» album! It means a lot to me to see how many of you already backed my project!

I wish you a Happy, prosperous, healthy New Year full of inspirational music and joyful moments!