Pay Warrior aims to educate, enable, and engage working women about their workplace rights. Our first project analyses 1500+ case summaries (canton-level) of gender equality lawsuits in Switzerland.

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CHF 250

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The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

3 backers

27 days to go

This is what it's all about.

I began my journey by questioning my own pay and the discrimination I faced.

Am I compensated fairly? Am I treated justly? Rather than assuming, I delved deeper into these issues. Over 4 years, I learned that I was one of the least informed about my own pay-slip and workplace rights. This realization sparked a larger question:

Why don’t more women know their rights and pay details?

I spoke to over 30 women in Switzerland, across industries like banking, pharma, and FMCG, and found many shared my dilemma. Some expressed, «I know there’s an issue, but I can’t pinpoint it.»

Gender Equality: A Complex Issue

Gender equality isn’t straightforward. It involves laws, principles, historical cases, and decisions. Gaining even a basic understanding of the Swiss legal system is essential. But will policies and debates alone ever solve unequal pay and unfair treatment?

That’s why I hired a team of engineers to analyze laws and over 1,500 case summaries. Our goal is to create a platform where women can quickly assess their situation and take action. This is just the first step—we aim to expand our project to tackle more workplace issues for women if we secure funding.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Understanding your own situation is powerful. I believe pay and fairness are forms of power, and power must be distributed fairly. In Switzerland, women are leaving billions of francs on the table.

But the bigger power is knowledge—understanding how systems operate and how lawsuits play a crucial role in change.

Why is this discrimination still possible? How can we bring systemic change?

To move forward, we first need to understand where we stand today. It’s never too late to start.

I’m excited to take this journey together with you!

PS: Stay tuned for my upcoming book on Equal and Fair Pay, offering a fresh, unique perspective on the issue.

My project is special because ...

There are three things I believe make this project unique:

1) It’s independent. I’m not seeking investors, corporations, or organizations because I want to connect with and work directly for women.

2) It’s fact-based. I will present only facts—no assumptions, opinions, or «ifs and buts» on the topic of pay and discrimination. Staying focused on the facts is sacrosanct to the objective. We do it through analysis of legal cases filed for gender equality.

3) It’s personal and spiritual. I left a significant sum of money on the table. No working woman should have to start from scratch as I did. (Corporations often pay a settlement to maintain confidentiality.) I faced violence, threats, and harassment just for wanting to uncover the truth.

You can lead the path with higher information and clarity. You build on and over my step.

That’s why I aim to give every woman a head start, armed with facts, so she can anticipate and mitigate challenges before they arise.

This is what I need backing for.

We need funding to achieve the following goals:

Complete the technical development of our AI-powered product. Engage experts and professionals to validate the solution. Onboard beta users—working women with ongoing concerns—to improve and refine the solution.

Our goal is to make this tool affordable and accessible for all working women. Help us advance this pilot to success!