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ar Powersupporters
Last Friday 15 students received the first diplomas of Powercoders. It was incredible touching to see this young people strive. And even better, they all have an internship company and will now go off and work for 3 to 6 months.
We feel that we delivered all the perks from our project. If you are still waiting for something. Please let us know by contacting me personally (christian.hirsig@powercoders.org).
All the best,
Chris & Powercoders-Team
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ar supporters
It is such a great feeling. Thank you so much! We were able to bring together CHF 23’275 for our coding academy. Tomorrow school will start and we hope you will hear even more from our project in the future.
We will add you to our newsletter. But if you don’t want to receive our news don’t hesitate to unsubscribe. We also have a facebook page you can like to stay up-to-date.
It will take some days to get your perks ready. But stay tuned. We will contact you soon.
Chris & team
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After 2/3 of the project in terms of time but also in terms of the funding goal we are approaching the final 9 days. You helped us already a lot. But how can you help more?
- Please check if there are any more rewards that might be attractive to you. You are more than welcome to support us twice.
- Let all your friends know about our project. Please share these posts on Facebook or on Twitter.
- And vote here what sticker you like to get (only one will be produced): https://goo.gl/forms/Z6YVFOgCDd8Pug0S2
Thanks for your support!
Chris & Team