New Come N’ Go Album

New Come N’ Go Album

di anti_franz

Berna, Neuchâtel e Zurigo

Come N’ Go’s 4th and new album! After numerous successful concerts the last few years, we’ve decided to go for it one more time, just for you!

CHF 4’760

119% di CHF 4’000

119 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

62 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 21.7.2014

NEWSNEWSNEWS!!!Di anti_franz, il 03.06.2015

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Ciao friends, I know it’s been a while but be reassured we haven’t forgotten about you!!!

It has been decided that the record will be released on the legendary Voodoo Rythm record label!

The exact release date has not been confirmed yet but you will be the first to receive the record with all the goodies you’ve purchased with it!

Again thank you so much and in the meantime here’s a little teaser for you listening pleasure!

News update 1Di anti_franz, il 21.09.2014

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News update 1

Palinka makes your chest hair grow! Di anti_franz, il 13.07.2014

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Disco Fever! Di anti_franz, il 13.07.2014

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We still need your but in the meantime…Come dance with us!

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Thank you for donating!Di anti_franz, il 26.06.2014

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Poo-linkaDi anti_franz, il 22.06.2014

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