Launching vibrant CoWorking spaces in beautiful destinations around the world! Developing a new physical&digital experience with ecosystem partnerships to foster a pure balance between work&lifestyle!

CHF 63’191

105% of CHF 60’000

105 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

252 backers

Successfully concluded on 11/10/2017

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  • PuraMind

PuraMind: PuraWorka launches new inspirational Event

Let’s celebrate the end of winter season 18/19 together with a big BANG. PuraMind will take place from friday 26th late afternoon until Sunday 28th. Straight-to-the-point inspiring talkswill be presented by pioneers from various backgrounds such as:

  • innovation
  • sustainability
  • outdoors
  • (personal) growth hacking

To make the most of your stay in Zermatt, PuraMind will also consist in fun spring ski sessions, deep yoga sequences, (e-)biking and late afternoon BBQ partywith yummy food and dancing tunes.

Stimulating discussions can change a life vision, yet workshops can put dreams into action. Mentors will host workshops around themes presented the day before such as digital, mountain tourism and entrepreneurship with sustainability as a main focus point.

PuraMind is all about positives vibes, like-minded people and shaping a new and virtuous movement.

Event, accommodation, sport, food be booked at early bird price until end of March.#BeFastOrBeLast


Programm Friday, 26th April 17h Registration Welcome Drinks & Networking

Saturday, 27th April 9h-12h Spring Ski / (e-)Bike Session and / or Yoga sequence 13h-16h Inspiring talks at PuraWorka CoWorking 16h-21h BBQ & Tunes

Sunday, 28th April 11h-13h Brunch 13h-16h Educational Workshops

First Speakers confirmed!

  • Dominique Perret (ISTA Avalanche Training / Freeride Skier of the Century)
  • Ludovic Orts (Founder Opaline, Montagne Alternative)
  • Natasha Robertson (Founder Bramble Ski, Haute Montagne, Lagom)

We can’t wait to shape the movement with you! Your PuraWorka-Team

More info on our Facebook Event Page:

1 year after - UpdateBy PuraWorka, on 12/12/2018

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  • PuraWorka Zermatt
    PuraWorka Zermatt
  • PuraWorka Lombok
    PuraWorka Lombok
  • PuraWorka La Tzoumaz
    PuraWorka La Tzoumaz
  • Logo

ar all,

One year after the Crowdfunding, we are stocked to announce the launch of PuraWorka Zermatt in Collaboration with Admiral Hotel the 15th and 16th of December 2018.

As backers of the project, you are all invited to participate this week-end to the event, just drop us a line at

There, we will be the first CoWorking space of Zermatt, in the heart of the village!

Imagine this -) Wake up in the morning to a delicious breakfast buffet, perhaps you fancy an early morning ski at Matterhorn Diamonds or walk in the crisp air and yoga, then come to the CoWorking space and with an indoor fireplace, work on your projects with a High Speed WiFi with a relaxing tea or a strong delicious coffee from Zermatt Kaffee Rösterei. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Up to 30 people (locals, digital nomads, startups, working vacationers, etc.) will be able to work in the comfy CoWorking space at Admiral Hotel. For Corporations, enjoy our top-of-the art meeting rooms and comfy accommodation.

For those who have followed the development of our project in Lombok, we are moving forward despite the sad events this Summer and look forward to open early 2019.

Let’s continue our mission towards sustainable development and shape work towards an art of living! #WorkLifeStyle

Thanks again for your support, all of this would not have possible without you. Looking forward to warmly welcoming you in the Swiss Alps or in Indonesia.

The PuraWorka Team

THANK YOU!!!By PuraWorka, on 12/10/2017

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oops, video was removed by project initiator.


Thanks a million to all of you for believing in us and for supporting us! You kept us going and this is only the beginning of a wonderful story! We can not wait to open those spaces that we hope will make you live moments of sharing and which will hopefully inspire you to give life to your dreams through the power of your passions! Wemakeit is currently finalising the list of people who supported us and this will take approximatively a week. As soon as we get this list, we will transfer all the info to our partners for you to get your rewards, proceed to the draw and keep you updated on the next steps!




Merci mille fois à vous tous de croire en nous et de nous avoir soutenus! Vous nous avez boosté et ce n’est que le début d’une merveilleuse histoire! Nous avons hâte d’ouvrir ces espaces qui vous feront vivre des moments de partage et qui, nous l’espérons, vous inspireront à donner vie à vos rêves à travers la force de vos passions! Wemakeit est en train de finaliser la liste des personnes qui nous ont soutenues et cela prendra approximativement une semaine. Dès que nous aurons cette liste, nous transférerons toutes les informations à nos partenaires pour que vous puissiez recevoir vos récompenses, nous procéderons au tirage au sort pour le concours et vous tiendrons au courant des prochaines étapes!



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New counteparts!
New counteparts!

You will always remain as the early-adopters, those who carried us!

What shall one do when he/she faces challenges - give up, find alternatives or show resilience? We have chosen to pursue our mission until the very last day - thanks to you!

Magda and I have worked hard to find investors who could help us obtain our goal, we will keep you posted! Until then, please share our campaign to the world and on all your social media! Check out the new counterparts, one is a contest to win an amazing week in Indonesia or Valais, all included! The other is to become a PuraWorker for life - CoWorking + Coffee unlimited throughout the world!!!

Thanks again, take care,

Neil / Magda

Thank you - 9 days to push hard! By PuraWorka, on 01/10/2017

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oops, video was removed by project initiator.

Bonjour à tous, merci du fond du coeur pour votre soutien Nous souhaitions vous inviter samedi prochain, 07 de 11-14:00 au Taproom de whitefrontier. N’hésitez pas à partager notre campagne au max! Salutations, Magda / Neil

Dear all, first of all we’d like to thank you from our hearts for supporting our idea and helping it make it real! We’d like to invite you all for a beer (or two) next week-end at WhiteFrontier Taproom on the 7th from 11-14:00 ! Feel free to share our campaign to the max! Take care, Magda / Neil