Racechair for Cybathlon 2016

di Christian Bermes

Rapperswil e Kloten

Pilot Florian Hauser wants to win at Cybathlon 2016. We are developing the appropriate race device, a wheelchair tailored to him. Together, they negotiate cobblestones, steep ramps and even stairs.

CHF 11’263

112% di CHF 10’000

112 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

56 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 19.9.2016

What it’s all about

Around 70 athletes with disabilities compete in six different disciplines. In all of them, tasks from our daily life need to be solved. Our pilot Florian Hauser will be one out of twelve international athletes competing in the Powered Wheelchair Race – and he wants to win.

The Powered Wheelchair Race consists of obstacles with increasing difficulty, which must be negotiated within limited time. Among other things, Florian will be facing cobblestone, steep ramps and a door. The most difficult obstacle are three steps – upstairs and downstairs.

Solving the tasks requires twofold: Florian’s piloting skills, and a powered wheel chair, which is agile, which can climb, and which provides safety to Florian.

With the results from this project, we want to enhance the mobility of people using wheelchairs.

  • Test session at University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil.
    Test session at University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil.
  • Swiss Television filming our test session.
    Swiss Television filming our test session.
  • Chief engineer Sergio negotiating the tilted path on a test ride.
    Chief engineer Sergio negotiating the tilted path on a test ride.
  • Tilted path obstacle at Balgrist University Hospital.
    Tilted path obstacle at Balgrist University Hospital.
  • Start of assembly: the chassis is made of wood.
    Start of assembly: the chassis is made of wood.
  • Cobblestone obstacle at Balgrist University Hospital.
    Cobblestone obstacle at Balgrist University Hospital.
  • Fine tuning of the stair climbing mechanism.
    Fine tuning of the stair climbing mechanism.
  • Florian closes the door before riding down the ramp.
    Florian closes the door before riding down the ramp.
  • Project leader Silvia negotiates the stairs!
    Project leader Silvia negotiates the stairs!
  • Interview break at Balgrist University Hospital.
    Interview break at Balgrist University Hospital.
  • First prototype with the aluminum chassis in the center.
    First prototype with the aluminum chassis in the center.
  • A view under the belly of our race chair.
    A view under the belly of our race chair.

Why we need your support

The first prototype of the race chair is ready. It has been developed and tested by students of the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil. Now the development continues towards the final version of the race chair, which Florian will ride in the competition on October 8th, 2016. We need you support to pay additional hours worked by our team work, as well as parts for the race chair.

What is in for you

We have thought about a couple of rewards, with which we would like to say thank you for your support.

  • The race chair is tailored to Florian. Hence, have limits on age, height and weight.