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ar supporters of #DaDATA, Thank you very much! Although we did not reach the target amount your support was very much appreciated. I have now turned #DaDATA over to SWISS funds…. It’s going private (fingers crossed.) I will continue to update you as to the fate of the project – three funds have been contacted. Strike one! X With best wishes, yours truly #Dadata Alice
PS_ There will be some forthcoming dada 2016 action in the UK via the Islington Mill, Manchester so if you are interested in hearing more about this or taking part please get in touch – alice@alicemccabe.com
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Thank you for supporting us! Please continue to spread the word about our project. Lets create a #DaDATA capsule ripe for paradoxical analysis in the future!
We are currently lining up institutions and platforms interested in exhibiting the virtual archive next year and will update you with some confirmed venues soon X Yours truly, DaDATA team