What it is about
Starting point to this installation is the research around the significance of interpersonal relationships in our time. The impressions we receive from one another are increasingly developed into a two dimensional character, in which interpersonal interest as such, defines itself new.
The following questions arise:
- What does one expect from a relationship?
- What is the definition of a relationship in a time in which self realisation stand more and more in discrepancy with togetherness and emotional comfort?
- And eventually; how do we perceive one another physically?
The viewer of the installation is invited to reflect, to compare and to get inspired.
Where and when
Opening of the Installation will be the 6th of August 2014 at MONTAGEHALLE, Malplaquetstrasse 25, 13347 Berlin.
More showings: 7th / 8th / 14th / 15th of August 2014 at Montagehalle.
Your support
To ease the financial situation for all the participants and to upgrade the payment for print, video, working tools and utensils, I build on your support.
Who is involved
- Fabian Hamacher (Video)
- Rainer Müntinga (DANCE)
- Mathis Kleinschnittger (DANCE)
- Werner Nigg (CONCEPT)
«Scattered Lungs» is part of a research for a dance piece which will be premiered in 2015.