«Scenes without Words»

di Pacific Quartet Vienna

Vienna e Zurigo

«Scenes without Words» - the latest CD recording by the Pacific Quartet Vienna with string quartets by Mozart, Donizetti and Verdi.

EUR 16’201

115% di EUR 14’000

115 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

59 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 23.6.2024

«Scenes without Words»: Mozart – Donizetti – Verdi

We are very pleased to be producing a new CD this year called «Scenes without Words» with string quartets by Mozart, Verdi, and Donizetti. By doing so, we develop three perspectives on the world of the opera, which is directly interwoven with the string quartet. Both Mozart’s «Dissonance» quartet, Donizetti’s 17th quartet in the belcanto style and Verdi’s only string quartet make the scenic and theatrical nature of the opera a component and driving force of their works.

The Pacific Quartet Vienna

Our homes are the lively, cultural cities of Vienna and Zurich, where we began our musical journey as a professional string quartet with a multinational background. Our passion is the string quartet, the supreme discipline of chamber music. In 2024, one of our work’s focus will be on the string quartets of opera composers, which will culminate in the CD produced here. Another focus is on New Music: We were invited to give a concert within the framework of the renowned festival Wien Modern in November. Wien Modern is one of the most important contemporary music festivals worldwide. We have also put together a program with avant-garde composers for the Kunsthaus Zug to provide a musical framework for its retrospective of Friedrich Kiesler. The third focus remains on Haydn’s string quartet cycle Op. 33, which we studied in-depth and from an entirely new perspective.

This is why we need you!

For our fourth CD, we are working with the label Solo Musica for the first time. There are many working stages and associated costs linked to a CD production:

Recording and hall rental costs (Lisztzentrum Raiding, Burgenland) Sound engineer, recording manager and travel expenses / Production of the CD, including artists’ photographs, texts and images / Costs for promoting the CD, such as Social Media, CD-release and further publicity

To cover the costs amounting to 14’000€, we need your support!