A Daring Expedition
It was already afternoon when Sigga suddenly felt a shadow gliding over her… The sea eagle was here! Jarl landed elegantly on a large boulder in their vicinity. Sunna and Katla made every effort to keep their nerves under control, as the eagle was an impressive appearance with his huge wings, his curved yellow beak, and his strong claws.
Jarl tried to soften his piercing gaze by blinking at them pleasantly. «Good day, my ladies!» he said. «You’ve covered quite a distance already! Is it true that you’re on your way to Rauðavatn?»
«Yes,» said Sigga. She told Jarl all about the reason for their journey and asked him for directions.
Jarl swayed his head sceptically. Then he solemnly announced: «I’ll personally accompany you to Rauðavatn to make sure you arrive there safely.»
We hope that the illustration above and this short excerpt from «Sigga and the Elixir» make you want to read & see more!
Let us reveal some more details about the content of our book: Sigga’s mother, Helga, has fallen very ill. To help Helga get well in time for Christmas, Sigga starts out into the wintery Icelandic mountains to collect the ingredients for an elixir. Sunna, the Icelandic horse, and Katla, the Icelandic sheep, accompany her on this daring expedition. During their journey, the three friends can count on the help of Jarl, the sea eagle, Refur, the arctic fox, and Valdís, the snowy owl – amongst others. In the meantime, Siggas little brother Gunnar is not idle either…
Will they, by their joint efforts, succeed in finding all the necessary ingredients for the elixir so that Helga can get well again?
Both Book and Advent Calendar
«Sigga and the Elixir» is an Icelandic Christmas tale in the shape of an Advent calendar: the story is divided into 24 short chapters so that you can read one chapter a day from the 1st to the 24th of December. Each chapter contains one magical & dreamy illustration.
The book is suited for children aged between 5 and 10 – you can read it to the younger ones, and the older ones can read it by themselves. Of course, our book will also enchant young-at-hearts of any age.
The book will only be published in German – for the time being. Later on, we might think about translations into English and Icelandic.
The Texts Are Finished, the Illustrations Are Taking Form…
Stefanie wrote «Sigga and the Elixir» last year during a long stay in Iceland. As you can see above, Jenya is working hard on her beautiful illustrations – and here’s where you come in: we kindly ask you to support our project so that Jenya doesn’t have to work for free during the next months. Apart from Jenya’s «wages», our budget includes: costs for a professional design & layout and for the printing & production of the book, costs for the production of the rewards, for packaging materials and for distribution, wemakeit fee.
Please support our book project! If you pre-order the book now (see rewards on the right), we will send it to you next year, in November – so that you can start reading on the 1st of December 2019.
Thank you so much for your trust and support!
Stefanie & Jenya