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CHF 5’098
101% di CHF 5’000
Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.
25 sostenitori
Concluso con successo il 14.1.2021
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Congratulations Dominique & Marcel on the amazing product and the successful campaign! I can't wait to see the final product.
Claudia il 13.1.2021 12:45
We like your project – this is why we’ve added it to our «We Fancy» category! For the next couple of days it will appear on the front page and also in the «Recommended» section. We’d say you can be proud of yourselves and tell everyone about it! Publish some news, make a tweet or write a post!
Woody wemakeit il 4.1.2021 10:24
Keep going!
Mathias il 3.1.2021 14:05
Tout de bon 👍
Guy Henri il 28.12.2020 10:05
Good job on this project!!
Cameron il 17.12.2020 17:34
Keep going, brother! Proud of you. #familyfirst ❤️
Valerie Richardson il 17.12.2020 13:17
Wishing you every success with your project. It looks great and is well thought through.
Anonymous il 16.12.2020 20:42
Herzliche Gratulation zu einem tollen Projekt! Ich freue mich schon sehr euren Smart Sanitizer persönlich zu testen :)
A. Maier il 15.12.2020 13:26