Performance Arts in Virtual, Public and Art Spaces; collaborations between Swiss and Indian Artists and an Exhibition of multimedia works in Basel.

CHF 4’130

103% de CHF 4’000

103 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

34 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 29.3.2018

Art as a difficult place

Srinagar Biennale is named after the capital city of the state of Jammu & Kashmir in the Himalayan region in India. Srinagar is a beautiful city. However, it is marred with strife for more than two decades now, rendering it a difficult place to live in, let alone make art. Therefore the Biennale is envisaged as a Rhizomatic process with multiple nodes across cities and countries, spreading along time and space.

Currently, it has 19 nodes, Each an independent entity, united with the others in a common endeavor.

The first edition of the Swiss node, SRINAGAR BIENNALE BASEL, is curated around the word ’difficult’. We explore the theme through Performances and multimedia works over two Episodes. More details available on the website.

Episode 1: ONLINE (17. March 2018)

  • Basel and Bangalore (India) connect via Live streaming of Performances by the Swiss and Indian Artists.
  • Design includes the visitors into its virtual folds.

Episode 2: LIVE in Basel (6. - 15. April 2018)

  • A Residency for four Swiss and four Indian Performance Artists
  • Performances, Exhibition, Workshops, Panel Discussions.

All events are free. Your contributions will help us in keeping it that way.

  • Bookmark (limited edition). Also in Red blue and green shades
    Bookmark (limited edition). Also in Red blue and green shades
  • Sample Tea Coaster with handmade design from Kashmir
    Sample Tea Coaster with handmade design from Kashmir
  • Sample Tea Coaster with handmade design from Kashmir
    Sample Tea Coaster with handmade design from Kashmir
  • Safran aus Kaschmir
    Safran aus Kaschmir

My project is special because ...

It throws up many questions. Can a rhizomatic Biennale, originating in another place, take roots here? Will it sprout? The first edition is always a tough task. We are humbled by the support we have received from many individuals and organisations. Infact, the project seems to run on the spirit of collaborating and volunteering. Join us during the events to see what comes out of it. Or, join the team and see what goes into it.

  • Performance Artist - Lilian Frei
    Performance Artist - Lilian Frei
  • Performance Artist - Sajan Mani
    Performance Artist - Sajan Mani
  • Performance Artist - Pascal Lampert
    Performance Artist - Pascal Lampert
  • Performance Artist - Manmeet
    Performance Artist - Manmeet
  • Performance Artist - Inder Salim
    Performance Artist - Inder Salim
  • Performance Artist - Dorothea Rust. Photo: Arnold Häni
    Performance Artist - Dorothea Rust. Photo: Arnold Häni
  • Performance Artist - Anupam Saikia
    Performance Artist - Anupam Saikia
  • Kunstlerin - Irene Maag.  Foto: Raphael Stucki © Stucki / Maag
    Kunstlerin - Irene Maag. Foto: Raphael Stucki © Stucki / Maag

This is what I need backing for.

An event of this nature requires a lot of funds. We have raised about half the amount required. We hope to raise atleast CHF 4000 here. It will help us sail through a bit better and take care of our Artists. However, we need much more to reach our target. So, please, do not hesitate to donate. Every small bit counts.

We thank you for taking interest in our project.
