Our objective is to support young entrepreneurs globally by helping their businesses survive, as well as helping families in Italy who are no longer able to afford groceries due to Covid-19 crisis.

EUR 15’728

104% di EUR 15’000

104 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

62 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 14.6.2020

Why Stronger Together needs you !

Ciao, We are Noemi and Gaia and we are the founders of Stronger Together Campaign. We have been friends since forever (like kindergarten baby forever), we’re both Italian although citizens of the world and we’ve both been impacted similarly by Covid-19. Gaia, co-founder of a boutique Event company, Brightside Group, and Noemi aspiring entrepreneur in the fashion industry had to put the growth plans of their companies on hold due to the worldwide crisis generated by the virus. Moreover, being both Italians they wanted to take action in order to help the Campania region, which its already fragile, economy has been hit hard «unfortunately, lots of people can’t even buy food» (CNBC, 2020). Therefore, we decided to unite our forces and create a crowdfunding campaign in order to help all the businesses that our struggling like ours, while also achieving our main objective of buying groceries for people in need.

  • Noemi and Gaia
    Noemi and Gaia
  • Mr. Boho
    Mr. Boho
  • Flo design
    Flo design
  • Simonetta Degano
    Simonetta Degano
  • BDM Art
    BDM Art
  • Brightside Group
    Brightside Group
  • Francesco Romano
    Francesco Romano
  • 8Js Official
    8Js Official
  • Miamo
  • Il sogno di Paolina
    Il sogno di Paolina
  • Laustine
  • Marzoline
  • L'Atelier du Yogi
    L'Atelier du Yogi
  • Genuine way
    Genuine way

Stronger Together is special because

We invited young entrepreneurs all motivated, passionate about their projects, who are facing difficult times due to the latest crisis. We will not make any profit from this campaign whatsoever, we are doing this to support COVID-19 crisis as best as we possibly can. Your support will mean the world to all the businesses participating in this campaign.

We are choosing young entrepreneurs from different parts of the world with small/medium size businesses. The entrepreneurs we have chosen are passionate and talented in various ways and each of them offers unique services and products at exceptional prices only exclusive to our Stronger Together Campaign.

We would also like to help people in Italy who have been financially affected from COVID-19 and can no longer afford to purchase groceries to feed their families. Therefore we are donating 10% of the total revenue to «Spesa Sospesa» which translates to «Open Groceries» of the Fondazione di Comunita’ del Centro Storico di Napoli http://www.fondcomnapoli.it/

Our Charity Foundation
Our Charity Foundation

This is what WE need backing for.

We have have set an initial goal of 15, 000 Euros to help all the participants involved

Gaia and Noemi will make zero profit from this campaign, the raised proceeds will be donated to the charity of the Foundation «Comunita’ del Centro Storico di Napoli» and will go to the families in Italy that are unable to afford groceries to feed their families and survive the pandemic crisis.

When you buy a voucher from a partner 80% of the money goes to them and the rest will be donated to charity of the Fondazione di Comunita’ del Centro Storico di Napoli. One of the critical issues the south of Italy is facing is the starvation of many families. Due to Covid-19 many small businesses were forced to close, many lost their jobs and are no longer able to feed their families.

By donating to our crowdfunding campaign you are helping so many people. Buying a voucher will mean very much to small/medium businesses survive the crisis and you will also help families in critical conditions of starvation.

There is no small offer and every participation will be strongly appreciated. We THANK YOU all so much for your support !

Noemi & Gaia

  • Marzoline Cover Mask
    Marzoline Cover Mask
  • Marzoline headbands and scrunchies
    Marzoline headbands and scrunchies
  • Marzoline headbands and scrunchies
    Marzoline headbands and scrunchies
  • Laustine children pyjamas
    Laustine children pyjamas
  • Laustine childrensummer pyjamas
    Laustine childrensummer pyjamas
  • Mr Boho Cream Hayes Sunnies
    Mr Boho Cream Hayes Sunnies
  • L'Atelier du Yogi
    L'Atelier du Yogi
  • L'Atelier du Yogi
    L'Atelier du Yogi
  • Miamo
  • Flo' design flowers
    Flo' design flowers
  • BDM Art Work
    BDM Art Work
  • 8Js clothing
    8Js clothing
  • Night stay in Cuomo
    Night stay in Cuomo
  • Organise the perfect wedding
    Organise the perfect wedding