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148successful projects close to Brussels in architecture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Brussels. But this may be of interest to you.
Fragments of Metropolis R&R

Publishing and Architecture


Fragments of Metropolis R&R

by Christoph Rauhut / Niels Lehmann

The architecture of expressionism – the style of the Golden Twenties – documented for the first time through all of the surviving buildings of the urban landscape of the Rhine-Ruhr.

148 %
EUR 7’417
164 backers
Refuge des Bouquetins CAS

Architecture, Sport, and Tourism


Refuge des Bouquetins CAS

by Emilie Aubert, Arielle, and Peter Z.

La section Val de Joux du Club Alpin Suisse a besoin de votre aide pour sauver son refuge !
Le refuge des Bouquetins situé sur le haut glacier d’Arolla menace de s’effondrer et doit être reconstruit.

101 %
CHF 50’681
263 backers
Livio Vacchini"Masterpieces"

Publishing and Architecture


Title: «Capolavori. Masterpieces». Author: Livio Vacchini. Afterword: Roberto Masiero. Editorial direction: Michela Maguolo and Claudia Mion. Graphic design: Spassky Fischer. Language: English.

101 %
EUR 4’076
23 backers
Luca Merlini

Publishing and Architecture


Luca Merlini

by Caryatide

Title: La Traversée de ma bibliothèque. Author: Luca Merlini. Preface: Carlotta Darò. Editorial direction: Claudia Mion. Graphics design: Spassky Fischer. Language: French

122 %
EUR 4’905
31 backers
Esthétique des structures

Publishing, architecture, and Environment


Premier ouvrage réalisé et auto-édité par l’association AAIIA. Architectes, ingénieurs, chercheurs et étudiants témoignent sur l'acte de concevoir et de construire.

260 %
EUR 7’802
229 backers

Publishing and Architecture

Brussels and Paris


by Éditions Cosa Mentale

Title: «Pensées» («Thoughts»). Author: BAUKUNST. Editorial direction: Frédéric Einaudi. Graphic Design: Spassky Fischer. Language: FR

113 %
EUR 5’099
83 backers
Umberto Riva

Publishing, Design, and Architecture

Milan and Paris

Umberto Riva

by Éditions Cosa Mentale

«BEYOND MODERNITY: THE ARCHITECTURE OF UMBERTO RIVA. CRITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1989-2015». Author: Maria Bottero. Editorial coordination: Claudia Mion. Graphical design: Spassky Fischer. Support us!

121 %
EUR 6’062
71 backers
Digital Mental Transposition

Architecture, art, and Technology


Digital Mental Transposition

by In-Dialog, Tara Habis, and Codin Segal

DMT, a living environment where via a EEG Headset the participants can adapt the ambience of the performance to match their brain activity.Let yourself get transposed into a multisensorial experience.

105 %
EUR 26’265
20 backers

Food, Startup, and Architecture



by BrauBudeBasel

Die BrauBudeBasel sammelt Geld um die Birreria an der Oetlingerstrasse endlich eröffnen zu dürfen. Dafür muss die Decke teuer Schallisoliert und eine Brandschutztüre eingebaut werden.

164 %
CHF 16’466
107 backers
Innovation Space in Basel

Design, architecture, and Community


Innovation Space in Basel

by Swiss Friend and Tiziana Meletta

launchlabs provides stimulating work-spaces for projects, workshops, co-working and events. It functions as a meeting place for people and ideas, promoting culture and innovation.

110 %
CHF 66’303
109 backers
Kaschemme SuperSound

Architecture and Music


Ein neuer Dancefloor für Basel: Die Kaschemme soll eine Heimat für basslastige Clubmusik bieten. Damit wir so richtig loslegen können, brauchen wir eure Unterstützung. Who’s in?

168 %
CHF 12’670
88 backers
PurplePark Construction Reloaded

Architecture, Community, and Kids / Youth


Durch die hohe Nutzung unseres Skateparks sind die Elemente stark beschädigt und sollten renoviert werden. Dazu brauchen wir DICH!