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2128successful projects close to Port-au-Prince in community

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Solidarieta Hondo Valle


Hondo Valle

Conosco una famiglia molto povera e sfortunata.
3 fratelli sono stati colpiti da una forma di malattia debilitante.
Unico aiuto è l'anziana mamma: si procura il cibo con molte difficoltà!

105 %
CHF 12’648
53 backers
Une maison en Haïti

Architecture and Community


Une maison en Haïti

by Papillon et Marie

Contribuez à la construction d'une maison pour notre nièce Mikencia et sa famille en Haïti qui ont tout perdu à cause de la crise politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire sans précédent.

102 %
CHF 10’240
109 backers
Ecotourism is back in Haïti!

Community, tourism, and Environment

Mole Saint-Nicolas

Ecotourism is back in Haïti!

by Boukan Guinguette

Help Boukan Guinguette resuming ecotourism in Haiti! A unique hotel in nature, a passionate team… With your help, we believe in reboosting the adventure despite the hard time Haiti is going through.

105 %
EUR 10’295
89 backers
Smile for the Dominican Rep

Community and Kids / Youth

Las Terrenas

Smile for the Dominican Rep

by Carolina Algayer

We would like to provide to children and adolescents from the Dominican Republic the basic access to dental care, in collaboration with the Aldeas de Paz Foundation.

100 %
EUR 3’810
19 backers
Herz für Zähne

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Las Galeras

10 Zahnmedizinstudent:innen der Universität Basel werden im Januar 2023 in die Dominikanische Republik fliegen, um dort ein Hilfsprojekt zu starten. Unterstütze uns bei diesem Herzensprojekt.

158 %
CHF 2’370
35 backers
Aid indigenous children now


Paraguaipoa, Nazareth, and Baden

Aid indigenous children now

by Mama Tierra, Lourdes, and Douglas

The hurricane Iota and COVID-19 have heavily affected the indigenous communities in Colombia and Venezuela, children have been especially affected. We need your help to provide immediate relief.

140 %
CHF 7’000
48 backers
Makuti Dance & Events

Community, Dance, and Tourism


Makuti Dance & Events

by MAKUTI Dance & Events

Makuti is more than a dance venue project—it's a dream in the making. In the Park of Palomino, Colombia, we will be building a platform and organise dance events, dance classes & diverse workshops.

102 %
CHF 12’260
77 backers

Community, Environment, and Education



by Nina Fischer

Canúmake, das Projekt für und mit der Natur Kolumbiens. Gemeinsam mit den Einwohnern wollen wir an diesem magischen Ort arbeiten und Neues entstehen lassen. Bitte helft uns, damit wir helfen können.

109 %
CHF 10’990
57 backers
Renovation Schule Kolumbien

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Eine kleine Bergschule im Regenwald von Kolumbien: Dieser Ort bietet vielen Kindern die einzige Möglichkeit für Bildung. Das Gebäude ist total verwahrlost – zusammen bauen wir es wieder auf!

117 %
CHF 11’795
54 backers
Art for food in Barranquilla

Community and Art


Provide famillies affected by the Covid-19 crisis the possibility to stay at home safely and receive food packages, which will be directly delivered through an allied supermarket.

112 %
CHF 3’385
36 backers
Returning to Santa Rita


Santa Rita

Returning to Santa Rita

by Leonie Mugglin

Santa Rita is a Colombian village, which has been heavily affected by the war. This project wants to support the women's association of Santa Rita in their effort to support the return to the village.

129 %
CHF 2’858
21 backers
Next-Generation & Education

Science, Community, and Education

Lausanne and Valencia

I am a young Swiss/Venezuelan researcher in Life Science. I need your help to send humanitarian laboratory equipment to the students of the University of Carabobo in Venezuela! Thank you for your help