Aviator Comic «Tamed Gods»
I’m working on a new aviator comic! This time it’s the Pacific War between the Japanese and the Allies. Two enemy pilots meet on an island and fall into the hands of fearsome natives. They must pull themselves together and remain mysteriously connected for the rest of the war. I am fascinated by the technology of the airplanes of that time and the history that drew young, more or less patriotic pilots into a crazy war machine. On the one hand I have a lot of inner images on this topic and on the other hand the characters in my story take on their own role and lead me into their own world.
Get the first numbered and signed comic booklets
You make it possible for me to publish a new aviator comic, and this in German and English, and if the launch is successful, a sequel will follow soon. With you I can print a first edition independently of a publisher. Receive your signed, numbered (1-200 per language) copy of a worldwide hit series in early 2023! :-)
This is what I need backing for.
I would like to launch this comic directly with you, my readers. This gives me freedom in the design and at the same time the pressure from you expectant aviator comic fans. Of course I need money for prepress, printing and shipping. Last but not least, so that I can survive financially during the period in which I devote myself fully to the project. If even more money than budgeted comes together (extended goal), I could continue working on the sequel without any worries. Besides, I could hire help for shipping and publishing. Below are some of the rewards pictured: Enjoy!