Soutenez avec nous le Dr. Gerrye Mubungu, une jeune pédiatre de la République Démocratique du Congo, pour lui permettre d’implémenter un nouveau cursus de génétique médicale à Kinshasa.

CHF 12’767

212% de CHF 6’000

212 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

43 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 14.3.2018

Dr. Gerrye Mubungu in Switzerland next MarchDe Patricia Teixidor, le 17.01.2019

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Dr. Gerrye Mubungu
Dr. Gerrye Mubungu

ar backers, As part of the long-term collaboration between the University of Bern and University of Kinshasa, Dr. Gerrye Mubungu will be coming to Switzerland next March 3-5, 2019, to discuss with researchers in the Universities of Bern and Lausanne about future projects in genetics. If you signed in for a reward to meet Dr. Mubungu personally, you will receive an email with information about the date, time and place. Even if you did not register for any rewards, please let us know if you would like to join in the meeting with Dr. Mubungu on the 5th March 2019 in the following address: Thank you very much for supporting Dr. Gerrye Mubungu and her project «Teaching Genetics in Congo».

Hugues Abriel and Patricia Teixidor

Thank you from Dr. Gerrye MubunguDe Patricia Teixidor, le 15.03.2018

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Grateful greetings from Philadelphia
Grateful greetings from Philadelphia

ar backers and friends,

The campaign closed on March 14th with CHF 12,767 raised! All a success thanks to you and other 42 donators! The even better news is that because we succeeded in reaching this goal, Science Booster (Gebert Rüf Stiftung) doubled the amount!

Thank you very much for supporting Dr. Gerrye Mubungu and her project «Teaching Genetics in Congo». Gerrye is extremely grateful to all and sends you this picture from Philadelphia. She still has one week at the Faimer Institute, where she will finish the first part of her training as a Medical Educator. She will then fly back to Kinshasa to make good use of all what she has learnt.

If you selected a reward, we will keep you posted about it or you will soon receive it by post.

Thank you very much for supporting this long-term collaboration between the University of Bern / University of Kinshasa,

Hugues Abriel & Patricia Teixidor

We made it! Thank you! Merci! Danke!De Patricia Teixidor, le 08.03.2018

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Merci! Botondi!
Merci! Botondi!

ar friends and backers,

In the last 3 hours we have managed to reach the goal of CHF 6,000 so the Gebert Rüf Stiftung has matched the amount! Gerrye will be extremely happy. Thank you to all for supporting this campaign and thank you to @ScienceBooster.

We will keep you posted about the next steps and rewards!

All the best,

Hugues and Patricia

Help! Only a few days left!De Patricia Teixidor, le 06.03.2018

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Gerrye at Faimer Institute, Philadelphia (USA)
Gerrye at Faimer Institute, Philadelphia (USA)

ar backers and friends,

Thank you for supporting Dr. Gerrye Mubungu and her project «Teaching Genetics in Congo». Gerrye arrived safely to the Faimer Institute in Philadelphia on March 3rd –see photo– where she has started a 3 weeks module to be trained as a Medical Educator. The whole program lasts 2 years and this is only the beginning! We have reached 2/3 of the funding goal in Wemakeit but there are only 8 days left, a crucial moment! If the campaign comes to a successful close, the project will be realized and you will get your reward. In case the project does not reach its financial goal, the platform Wemakeit will refund your pledge. You can help turn this project into a success by:

• Sharing the project link on your social networks or send it off with a personal message:

• Telling all the people around you about the project – this includes not only your closest friends but also your colleagues at work or neighbours!

• Using the commentary tool, to let the project initiator know what you think: Share questions, enthusiasm or requests. Your feedback is welcome!

Thank you very much. Hugues and Patricia