This is what it's all about.
Street workout is a body-weight physical activity designed to improve the muscular strength of the human body.
IMPORTANT DATES : Creation of our association in 2020. We created the first international set & reps competition in Switzerland on 20.09.2020 (Last Reps). In 2021, the umbrella organization Action et Culture (FAC) won the opposition to the destruction of the industrial site at Avenue des Sports 5. In 2022, we joined the site for a viability test.
We’re 2 FINGERS AWAY FROM LOSING EVERYTHING, because there are no other premises of commune’s with ceilings this high.
We bought new equipment for the athletes with the membership fees, but we didn’t know we’d have to pay rent one day. MINCE!
We’d like to stay at S5 to perpetuate the practice of callisthenics and street workout in French-speaking Switzerland. It’s a wonderful sport for everyone.
I’m at your disposal by phone to answer your questions: +41788717998
My project is special because ...
Street workout is a muscle-strengthening activity. Our project contributes to physical activity in Switzerland and Yverdon. For all ages and for people with disabilities. It’s a place where people can meet and share, and where each individual can be included and express themselves. Our hall will also enable us to host sporting events such as national and international competitions.
This is what I need backing for.
Your support will pay the rent for one year and the rental deposit. It will enable everyone to train in a place sheltered from capricious weather and allow everyone to take their health into their own hands. For 2025, we’ll be applying for subsidies from the commune and Canton de Vaud, and if necessary we hope to have more members by 2024.