MoDa - Community for parents
Support me in developing an app that creates connection, enables parents to exchange ideas and supports them in their parenting ❤

Partager le projet de crowdfunding

CHF 2’287

9% de CHF 25’000

9 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

24 contributeur*rices

17 jours restants

That's why parents need MoDa!

Being a parent can be pretty lonely sometimes. You have become a mom or dad, your heart is bursting with love & you may have this little person around you (or on top of you ) 24/7, loving family & friends who support you & yet I’m talking about loneliness here. Friendships don’t just come about because we get to know someone who also has children. There are challenges, worries, values, perhaps even fears but also joy that connect us. And that’s exactly what this app is supposed to make possible! Whether new parents, single parents, parents of a child with a disability, parents with a migrant background, they all need someone with whom they can exchange ideas who are in the same or similar phase of life. Because that creates connection & we no longer feel so alone. Because life as a parent brings with it many challenges. MoDa is intended to make it easier for parents to make friends, exchange ideas and create the «I’m not alone in this» feeling.

Developing an app is very time-consuming and, above all, very expensive. The app is scheduled to be officially launched at the beginning of 2025 and that’s exactly why I need your support. Whether financial or advertising in your environment, every support brings me closer to deploying the app. If the financing target is exceeded, additional features will be implemented in the app, which I will report on here in the updates. So make sure to check out the updates The app is expected to cost less than CHF 30 for an annual subscription.

An app that creates connection
An app that creates connection

My project is special because ...

There are various matching apps. Some to find love and even some to find a suitable dog sitter. But there is still no app where parents can find each other who have to overcome the same challenges, share the same values ​​in their parenting and are looking for someone with whom they can talk about all the big and small things in everyday life as a Mom or Dad can be replaced. The MoDa app is designed to make exactly that possible! You create a profile and, with a few clicks, indicate what moves you in your parenting and what you are looking for. MoDa shows you suitable profiles based on your information & if you like each other, you may be just a click away from a great parent friendship, feeling heard & understood or simply not having a conversation in baby language.

Every support counts

This app is a project close to my heart! As a family companion, I support moms & dads with challenges with their newborn, baby or toddler and even if there are family & friends there to support the parents, there are always moms & dads who feel lonely in their parenthood, who are happy to talk about it want to share the challenges they face in their everyday lives. But in the long term, the app should contain more features that are intended to support and relieve parents. This is supposed to be the beginning of something big & with your contribution, you will help me lay the foundations. Your contribution counts!❤