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The music aspect of the installation has also advanced a lot. The composer Gaëtan Gromer wrote the music notes for the soprano singer Juliette de Massy and the recording took place beginning October 2016 in Strasbourg with Benjamin Moreau in the KAWATI studio. Some pictures here!
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I wish to thank every one of you for your contribution! This morning the 100% goal was reached, 3 days early! THANK YOU!!
J’aimerais remercier chacun d’entre vous pour votre contribution! Ce matin la barre des 100% a été atteinte, 3 jours en avance! MERCI!!
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Yesterday morning the truck arrived Place Kleber early in the morning, to offload the 700kg of TUTTI from my studio behind the train station to L’Aubette 1928. We had to be plenty to offload quickly, as there are circulation restrictions during the day related to the security measures during the Christmas Market in Strasbourg. Indeed this afternoon, picking up the last batch of equipment (computer and sound card) was particularly special. I had to offload from the car 1km away from Place Kleber, pass the police barriers, open all my boxes, have them checked and continue by foot as no cars are authorised during the day.
But now all is good, and setting up is well on it’s way! Kinect camera is fixed on the 5m high structure and adapted for TUTTI, so it overlooks the entire hall. All the speakers are placed and music is starting to come out! Tomorrow I’ll put the motors on so they will be able to move as well. Step by Step!
I am looking forward to this week of set-up, Opening is in 4 days! ; ) I am very excited and cannot wait to see you! Thank you for your encouragements and do not hesitate to talk to your friends and family about TUTTI exhibit in Strasbourg, and to share THE FOOL’S BALLAD crowdfunding project! ; ) Thanks a million!
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Tremendously internationally happy and thankfull! THANK YOU for your support! Campaign is more than half way over!
Here is the map, that has just been updated today ! Thank you!! 16 different towns, 8 different countries!
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Cher Tous!
Me voici comblée par un soutien à 41% aujourd’hui. Je me souviens d’une statistique de crowdfunding que j’avais trouvée et que j’avais envoyée à une amie. Elle disait qu’il y a 96% de chance de réussite lorsqu’on arrive à 41% de notre objectif.
La Ballade du Fou va-t-elle y arriver?
J’aimerais en profiter pour vous donner des nouvelles par rapport à ma prochaine exposition TUTTI à L’Aubette 1928, à Strasbourg.
Mon installation sonore interactive, TUTTI, arrive enfin à Strasbourg en fin d’année, et dans ma salle préférée: L’Aubette 1928.
Voici les détails :
TUTTI (orchestre de haut-parleurs, composition Gaëtan Gromer, Construction Métalu-à-Chahuter, Production Le Fresnoy 2012)
Exposition REGIONALE 16, du 5.12.15 au 15.01.16 «How I feel concerned» commissaires Sophie Kauffenstein et Camille Giertler.
Ouvert Mercredi – Dimanche : 14h – 18h du 5 Décembre 2015 au 15 Janvier 2016
Fermeture 25, 26.12 et 01.01 et fermeture à 16h les 24.12 et 31.12
Entrée libre
L’Aubette 1928 – Place Kleber – Strasbourg
Merci à tous pour votre soutien et j’espère à bientôt! Zahra