The Laundry – The movie

de Debby Caplunik


In every crisis there have been those who waited until it was over, and those who were already one step ahead and had the courage to act to keep doing art and express ourselves through filmmaking.

EUR 12’473

124% de EUR 10’000

124 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

60 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 7.5.2021

The Laundry- Movie and Exhibition

Five characters are stuck in a Laundry, They are here to wash themselves from the stigmas’ society imposes on them.

The Laundry is not only a simple film project but a piece of art, created to serve the reality of this society and awaken people.

We are an artistic community who instead of staying still, decided to fight during this Pandemic. The freedom of expressing ourselves is a right that couldn’t be taking away from us. We were able to reunite the best team and cast to fulfill this ambitious project.

We thought above the box to find solutions to achieve this movie without any budget. Our contacts all accepted very kindly to put their efforts and help into the production. We are almost there, yet this is not enough.

  • Our casting- Our international talents!
    Our casting- Our international talents!
  • Hanako belong to Z generation, we are the Why.
    Hanako belong to Z generation, we are the Why.
  • What does religion mean to an unfaithful society?
    What does religion mean to an unfaithful society?
  • Look at me, do you love better now?
    Look at me, do you love better now?
  • We eat and eat and never get satisfied.
    We eat and eat and never get satisfied.

Why would any producer love working on 'The Laundry’ project?

I am Joy Cameron and I have worked in the field of filmmaking for eight years now. I’ve always been fully dedicated to my work – in numerous countries. I have to admit though, that my interest in ’The Laundry’ project, is extraordinary. I believe this movie will stay in my mind and heart for a very long time. ’The Laundry’ is the kind of project that fulfills the essence of filmmaking and reminds me of how beautiful this craft is. First, the idea of the project is genius. It’s a project that deserves to be seen and known. There are many movies, many videos, but this one is unique. The reason is that the message behind the content is powerful and should be a reminder of the values we must incorporate into our society. People nowadays lost themselves in a fake world. But I am happy to say that a minority of people, who have a voice on this planet and make things better, exists. The creator of the project, Debby, the director is definitely one of them. Debby, reminded me that beauty, generosity, faith and art still have a primordial place, even during a pandemic, where we suddenly find ourself in limited conditions. She has such an intense energy and I respect her both for her bravery and ambition. Every producer would love to be surrounded by this creative soul. It inspires me to the best production, so her voice can be heard. When working around a positive person like her, work is no longer work but a real pleasure. No wonder this amazing project was created by such an amazing soul. More than a project, ’The Laundry’ is a lifestyle, a community - and the strength we artists need to gather in our lives. I rarely got as inspired as I do with ’The Laundry’. That is the reason why I give myself entirely to this project. I believe that this amazing energy has to be transcribed through frames to remind us all of the beauty there is in human beings despite their defaults. ’The Laundry’ is also a fascinating visual piece of art because everything around the story is abstract and natural at the same time. Yes, the movie is full of incredible details and references. It’s a homage to people like LaChapelle, who revolutionized the art industry. ’The Laundry’ blends the seven arts together; architecture for set design and frames which look like paintings. Staging like in theater, deep in profound words as we find in literature, body prostheses which remind of sculptures and, of course, a beautiful music BO and sound design to accompany the immensity of power found in the art of filmmaking. Finally, ’The Laundry’ is composed of a fantastic team, motivated, creative, and very inspired by vision of Debby. The cast is even more exciting and international. We are delighted to collaborate with artists with renowned names who believe in the quality of our work. I am thankful for living these experiences that will stay in our memories thanks to your help in creating this piece of art. Money shouldn’t be a barrier to the creation of this project. This is why your help is precious. The movie contains a message that must remain immortal and available for a large audience and its next generations as well. We thank you fully for your support in achieving our crowdfunding. With love and honesty, Joy, Producer of ’The Laundry’ project

Your encouragement will allow us to:

  • Bring qualitative lighting and camera equipments. Thanks to that we will be able to produce original and detailed frames.

  • Construct the Laundry set themes accorded to each character, floors, walls, props, everything you will visually discover throughout the movie.

  • Pay food, water supplies, drinks, We will be working during 3 weeks 12 hours days, The team will be very grateful for a good meal.

-Location A 1030 square meter warehouse, allowing us to build the entire set, use heaters, lights…

  • VXF special effects You have all seen the titanic scene, Where the boat dawns? Well, 7000 L of water will be dawning our Laundry.

-Costumes and Make-up & Protheses Our inspirations are taking from the 80th, too much and too less at the same time! We even created some fake boobs protheses for the most kinky viewers!

  • Containers We are shooting on a construction site and need some containers to fit our casting during break, and put their costume on! (Although part of the cast will be naked, I am sure they will appreciate hiding there but from the 40 people in the team when possible!)

  • Hotels We have gathered the best people around Europe. Switzerland, France, Germany… We are lucky to have Gabrielle, an award documentary winner an amazing actress

They need to sleep and shower (We are wearing a mask, but we are not ready to be smelly people!)