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The never ending Jango

by Bob Nortik

Paris and Paris

«En fin de compte, j’ai fait tout cela pour des raisons spirituelles» me glisse Jango lorsque je l’interroge sur le sens de sa démarche de clown. Une réponse surprenante pour qui a vu Jango live.

EUR 3’677

24% of EUR 15’000

24 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

21 backers

Concluded on 5/3/2016

An intimate documentary about one of the greatest contemporary clowns Jango Edwards.

Genesis of the Project

My passion for the « full » show, the one that mixes all the arts, pushed me to see tons of troops. I’ve always loved bands like Royal de Luxe, La Fura del Baus, Zingaro and other iconoclast companies. When I first met Jango Edwards, he pulled his gun and started shooting his typewriter, then I had a flash. His craziness struck my imagination. We were in 1995. A year later, I won a comedy award in Switzerland and made the first part of a comedy festival in Geneva. From this moment, Jango never left my mind. His talent as an extraordinary showman liberates a magical freedom. He was a shining Cadillac while I felt more like a Skoda… He is an American and I am a Slovak …


His sharing gift and community values, inherited from the hippie era, helped all kind of artists approach him. His door was always open. He loves sharing his clowning passion and he also animates clown workshops in between his shows. I followed his teaching during his master class in Cannes, and the experience was unforgettable. He spread so much positive energy and it was very communicative.

Collaborating with him on different projects, I realized that his apparent disorder hides a total technical maitrise, inspired by the American comics of the 60s.

The drugs of the 60s were also a source of inspiration. Jango is a cross between Timothy Leary and Charlie Chaplin.

  • Avec Fellini
    Avec Fellini
  • mari et femme
    mari et femme
  • jango et Johny
    jango et Johny
  • Avec Slava Polunin
    Avec Slava Polunin
  • Star farces
    Star farces

Why a documentary?

I followed this « bastard clown », as he defines himself, from 1997 till today. During this time, I could see his evolution and how he changed my artistic vision and personal development. I put my red nose to finish shooting this film. Little by little, I finally understood the spiritual dimension he was always referring to, but which I never perceived before.

At the end, when I interviewed him about the meaning of his clowning approach, he told me he did this movie for spiritual reasons. His reference to spirituality was rather unexpected and surprising. His enthusiasm to make people laugh remains unaltered despite a world becoming more and more difficult. All these shared memories are a beautiful life lesson. Some were captured by my camera and lead, with other archives images, to an improbable initiatic journey. These creative and personal episodes show you that finally, on behalf of his absolute and permanent belief to make you laugh, he will destroy himself without counting for his wish to make people laugh.

This film is a tribute to the clowns and to all of the people who want to make you laugh.

An intimate documentary about one of the greatest contemporary clowns Jango Edwards.

Why not?

If you saw Jango on stage and loved him, you will probably help me finish this film in order to learn more about this gentleman. I would very much appreciate if you could talk about this project to your friends. And if you saw his show but you did not like it, talk to your enemies.

Your contribution will help me finish this project. Editing, color grading and sound mixing, plus production of the final master, ie post-production.