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the next step

de Et et Marloti


Electronical dubstep and progressiv rock combined in one live performance; that’s (almost) absolutely new. Complexity mixed with the latest progress in technology. Be a part of our project!

CHF 3’105

103% de CHF 3’000

103 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

10 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 6.9.2014

the project

the next step is our answer to the current situation in music industry. We want to put an end to the popular covering of different styles and the people to face the future.

Our answer is called progressiv electro dub, a mix out of complicated progressiv rock and the latest trendy dubstep. This is our experiment to creat a new style of music, we’re going to implement our songs in combination with an extraordinary live performance on 09/12/2014 in the Club Heile Welt in Zurich.

Apart from the pre-produced songs, the cast of our half an hour DJ-set contains vocals, the drum computer «Maschine» and drums. We want the music to reach our audience with more emotion and with a live feeling, in contrast to the music out of tape in the clubs today.

Our live performance should be the first check to see how our music reaches the audience. The goal is, to continue with new songs, if the next step receives a good feedback.


The implementation of the next step ist not that cheap:

The budget shows the expenses combined with the earnings to offset them. Apart from the tickets and the earnings on the bar we asked some sponsors and foundations to support us. Unfortunately we didn’t reach our goal as we expected.

However we converted one sponsor to support us. Agner Drumsticks supplied the small key chain sticks for our flyers/tickets.

Thank you very much Agner Drumsticks!

we need your assistance

Despite the various earnings there’s still a crucial figure we need, to have our project self-sustained. That’s why we need your assistance! We have several exclusive, inventive rewards for our supporters.

Don’t miss our performance! :-)

A few sneak peeks of the songs are here