Travel Fund für Soul on Top

von Verein AbsTracks


Unterstütze den «Travel Fund», um jungen, talentierten Tänzern und Tänzerinnen aus ganz Europa, die Reise an den internationalen Breakdance Contest «Soul on Top» zu ermöglichen.

CHF 100

10% von CHF 1’000

10 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

1 Unterstützer*in

Abgeschlossen am 16.5.2015


Melde dich mit deinem Profil an, um das Projekt zu kommentieren.

  • Thank you for your support! We getting closer to achieve our aim.
    Here a statement of a dancer, who was supported by the Travel Fund:

    «I ve been representing at Soul on Top twice and both years were a good experience there. Alway good music by dope DJ's and diferent and experienced judges as well as good floor and a nice spot. Never forgeting about preparty with the best vibe and music. It s a competition very recomended to share sometime with your crew. They bring the oportunity to get some help with the travel fund ( to make the event closer to those who have it more dificult to go and represent their skills) and are always very attentive. All this makes it much more enriching and inspiring. Definitely a good excuse to visit Switzerland and find a good environment to share with.»

    Verein AbsTracks am 2.5.2015 11:59

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