Trio KlaViS – CD Debüt

von Trio Klavis


«Geography of Sound» ist eine musikalische Weltreise durch unterschiedliche Kulturen, leidenschaftlich und virtuos interpretiert von Klavier, Violine und Saxophon. Fernweh garantiert!

EUR 6’896

114% von EUR 6’000

114 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

62 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 9.10.2015

Geography of Sound is finally here!Von Trio Klavis, am 10.06.2016

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ar friends,

Our CD «Geography of Sound» has just arrived! We are so happy to finally be able to hold the result in our hands and proudly present it to each and every one of you personally. Releasing our debut CD has been a long journey, but we so openly put a part of our souls in it and had such special people involved on the way, that it became a priceless milestone in our lives.

We are starting the send out from the next week on. Each of you will be contacted personally on the next weeks and will be delivered your own copy of «Geography of Sound».

A heartfelt, warm thank you to all of you for helping us make our dream come true!
Trio Klavis

Thank you to our first supporters!Von Trio Klavis, am 12.09.2015

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ar friends and supporters,

A big thank you to you all from our hearts, for your support and for letting us do such a good start on our campaign. We are looking forward to the following weeks to see how our campaign develops, and your contribution gave us a big inspiration and energy!

We can’t wait for our dream to come true and make you proud!

With much love,

Kla & Vi & S