Triptonus Album Produktion

von Fabian


Unterstützt uns bei der Produktion unseres dritten Albums «Soundless Voice»! Gemeinsam mit euch kommt der Release im April 2020 auf Vinyl, CD und Digital!

EUR 5’540

110% von EUR 5’000

110 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

93 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 9.1.2020

2023 Update! Von Fabian, am 02.06.2023

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Triptonus at Pure Sound Recordings in Vienna
Triptonus at Pure Sound Recordings in Vienna

ar Tripto-Fam🔥,

We would like to inform you that the recordings for our 4th album are almost done! 🤘🤘

However, in order to reach the final product and release the album, we would need YOUR help!

We have released a new crowdfunding campaign through which you can donate as much as you wish and help us release the HEAVIEST and nastiest album of the decade!

Every donation comes with a special ’thank you’ present, from Vinyls to T-Shirts, guitar workshops, filter tips and house concerts.

Feel free to take a look at our ’wemakeit’ page and maybe there will be some nice things that you might be interested in 🏄 Every single donation is very much appreciated 🤘


Update! Good & Bad newsVon Fabian, am 24.04.2020

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hey everybody!

We hope you are doing well in these crazy times…

Bad news: Due to the virus-situation we had to cancel the whole release tour for now - we will keep you updated on new dates - hopefully soon…

Good news: We received almost all of the ordered merch and will be shipping those wonderful rewards to you asap!

More bad news: Some of you live in countries we are not able to ship to at the moment - we will send you the full digital album first and as soon as we can - your rewards.

Thank you for your patience - stay healthy and positive ! cheers from Vienna!

Artwork updateVon Fabian, am 12.02.2020

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hey guys!

We hope you are doing well!

The amazing Andrei Puică is almost done with the artwork…

Thank you! Enjoy this new Song :) Von Fabian, am 07.01.2020

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Together we have reached the goal! Thank you so much!

We are very happy to finally share this with you: Please enjoy the first new song «Ikaros» of our new album «Soundless voice».

Nevertheless - please let your friends know about the last 24 hours of our this CF-Project which helps us cover part of the production costs and finally release this monster we have been working on for a long time.


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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

Here comes the new episode!

In this part of our «making of Soundless voice» our drummer Niki talks about drumming, his «Nikophone» and finding peace in the woods… Enjoy :)

Part 1/ Clemens: Part 2/Jakob:

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

hey everybody!

We just uploaded the second part of the «Making of Soundless voice»

In this episode Jakob talks about playing bass, funny tour stories, and much more…

Please enjoy and share it with your friends :)

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This is the first part of our «Making of SOUNDLESS VOICE»

In this episode Clemens talks about playing guitar, the band, the process of writing those new songs and wandering in the woods…

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hey everybody!

We just added a very special reward …

Be fast and get yourself one out of three (that’s all we have) Vinyl test pressings from our first record «Sprout» (signed if desired)…

Stay tuned ;-)

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Thank you guys so much for your support in this first week of our crowdfunding!

In this update we want to let you know about Andrei´s thoughts behind the amazing artworks he put together for us in the last years - and also in this upcoming piece…

You can preorder one of his amazing artwork posters - or even better - a full set of six different ones in our rewards section !

Please also check out his post on facebook - (with more pictures):

About Triptonus’ albums and the story behind them from the artwork’s perspective:

Their first album «Sprout» was released back in 2013, the artwork presented the druids birth and first interactions with the world around him. He came from a seed that was buried deep underground, under multiple layers of lost knowledge, he eventually reached the surface, and when he did so, the first thing that he did was to reach out for the nearest branch and turn it into his staff, which he would carry with him everywhere he would go throughout his journeys.

Their second album, was released in 2015 and it presented the druid’s long journey across the continuously decomposing and ever changing world. Witnessing all these strange phenomenons that were taking place all around him, the druid started to lose his mind and he eventually decided that the best thing that he could do to be at peace with himself and with everything around him, was to accept the chaos that was coming his way, to embrace it and try to work with it as best as he could.

And finally, now, by the end of 2019, Triptonus is about to release their third album entitled «Soundless Voice», which the band describes as being: «The end of a trilogy and the start of a new era.» The artwork presents the sacred moment when the druid is at peace with himself and with the world around him. He decides to embrace the chaos and tries to give it a shape in his own vision. He does this by planting a tree, a special kind of tree, a Varicellian Tree.

The Varicellian Tree specie shows perforations and rashes of different sizes spread all over its branches. The tree at its early stages, has the tendency to keep all its music contained in itself without letting a single sound out. It is not an expansive tree, it grows only upwards and its branches never grow any leaves or any flowers whatsoever. It is not a spectacular rich tree, but more of a frail and curios tree.

Sooner or later as the tree grows, it starts to become overwhelmed by all the beautiful sounds that it has accumulated and trapped inside itself over the years, and as a result, rashes start to appear allover its branches, then the rashes start showing small perforations that resemble, more or less, the Suferar Star, a special star similar to a flower with eight petals. From these tiny perforations, the tree finally releases, unwillingly, but necessary, its music sound waves through its Swirling Leaf Birds, that are flying back and forth from the holes and are following the music’s rhythm, intensity and vibration.

At this stage, the tree is considered to be mature, and although it finds itself in a constant mild physical pain from all the wounds, the pain is slowly counterbalanced and neutralized by the beautiful sensation of the music that the introverted tree kept locked inside of it over the years. The tree reached that certain point in its life when it could no longer contain the beauty that was never meant to be contained to begin with. It grew in its own stubbornness way and it managed in that manner for a while, until the music outgrew it and started scratching the surface of the tree so it could escape from it and complete it and the world around it.

As the druid’s tree starts reshaping the world around it thorough all the ever shedding Swirling Leaf Birds and beautiful sounds, the sky opens up, and The Birth Nebula shows itself through multiple warm colorful clouds. And hidden between those clouds we see a vague projection, a projection that reached all parts of the universe and it eventually reached the druid’s world as well. Being haunted brutally all his life by chaotic events, the universe finally shows its tender side and reaches out to the druid, offering him the peace that he searched for all this time, but couldn’t dare to think that he would ever reach it in this life. The universe finally acknowledges the druid and his efforts and embraces him through a form of a warm projection of certain character, Phoebe from the graphic novel Suferar.

There is a certain scene in Suferar, where Phoebe does an act of pure love that is so powerful, it is projected everywhere throughout the universe, through all possible dimensions and crossing all possible barriers of space and time. And it is exactly that moment that has been projected into the druid’s world and as a response to his final gesture, planting his tree and trying to reshape and find the balance in his world.

It is that precise projection that we will meet again, soon, in another dimension, this time in a form of a comic book entitle «Birds from Varicellius» (Les Oiseaux Lumineux in French) , that will soon be published by les aventuriers de l’etrange.

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