The Idea
Are we not all often like Tristan, caught between the yearning for romantic love and failure to achieve its ideals? From a psychoanalytical point of view the myth of Tristan and Isolde is THE story about romantic love, about the magic of being in love with soaring highs and painful lows. But perhaps Tristan has got it all wrong – and we with him.
We have modernised the story of the love triangle between Tristan and the two Isoldes and set it in the world of bitter-sweet chocolate. 6 actors use 5 planks of wood to create a magical world in which the audience is rushed from one scene to the next in the blink of an eye.
This is the trailer to the French experiment with our idea; now we are working on a revised and expanded German version.
We are passionate artists, we have a sensational play, but we lack funds.
5 Reasons to Support Us
- You want to find out how to be lucky in love: Tristan is a part of each one of us. His story is also our own. He suffers the pangs of love. But there is a key to happiness in love for him, and therefore also for you!
- You would like to see something fresh in Vienna’s theatres: Our theatre language is unusual in Vienna. We offer gripping, physical theatre of objects and forms. With simple means we achieve magical and poetic effects. With a light-hearted touch. And a hint of Wes Anderson.
- You would like to help an upcoming and ambitious theatre company onto the world’s stage: This is the first full-length evening production of ILIOS Théâtre. We are professionally trained actors with passion and drive – and the stars are our limit. With your support you are laying the foundation for a successful realisation of our ideas. And we have lots of ideas still to come.
- You have found what you always wanted among our rewards: A meet-and-greet with actors? Support the integration of refugees? A theatre ticket for peolple with disabilities? Voice training? A massage? Or fall in love with chocolate liqueur?
- You have always wanted to be a patron of the arts: You like the sound of us and believe in us? This is YOUR chance – you can support us with as little as €10.
What we will do with your support
To create a truly unforgettable experience, a range of costs is involved: practice rooms, venue rent, lighting and sound, costumes, scenery, marketing and advertising. Our diverse team is prepared to put a lot of energy and time into this; we just need an absolute minimum of €8,000 to be able to make our dream a reality.
The Team
- Actors: Klemens Dellacher, Viktoria Hillisch, Santo-Pablo Krappmann, Paula Kühn, Benjamin Petermichl, Marion Steinbach
- Concept, director: Marie-Therez Lorenz
- Director’s and production assistant: Lisa Wanger
- Décor, costumes: Luisa Fillitz
- Text, dramaturgy: Julian Friedrichs
- Venue: Brick-5 (Fünfhausgasse 5, 1150 Vienna, U6 station Gumpendorferstraße)
- Premiere: 4 October 2016
- Further showings: 5 – 6, 19 – 22 October, 7 – 9 November 2016
- At least 3 productions for school during the day – we are convinced the play will be of interest to youths
- Tour planned afterwards to Carinthia and the Edinburgh Fringe.
Thank You
We would like to thank Michael Reiterer und David Höller for the video and XOCOLAT Manufaktur for its generous donations in kind.