CHF 1’985
3% of CHF 60’000
This is how it works
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
15 backers
Concluded on 1/8/2021
CHF 1’985
3% of CHF 60’000
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
15 backers
Concluded on 1/8/2021
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Si tratta di un progetto alternativo in cui i pazienti-ospiti non vengono ghettizzati, ma inseriti in uno spazio aperto in simbiosi con la realtà sociale della città pur essendo seguiti e sostenuti dai collaboratori del Dracar.
ginevra on 27/6/2021 15:08
Magnifique initiative. Notre société eSt faite d’entraide et quand on est fort on aide les plus faibles
Kat120163 on 19/6/2021 08:49