According to a survey carried out in April 2019 by gfs.bern (N=4,495), 22%¹ of women aged 16 and over say they have undergone non-consensual sexual acts. Of these, 64% did not contact the Police out of shame, 62% with the impression that it would be in vain, 58% out of fear of not being believed, 57% out of fear that a complaint would worsen their situation and 51% because they were not sure if they had the right to do so. Only 10% reported the facts to the Police and 8% filed a complaint.
In addition, a representative study carried out in autumn 2021 by Sotomo Institute revealed that 42%² of women in Switzerland have already suffered from violence within the couple.
Extrapolating to the total female population of Switzerland aged 16 and over (approximately 3.6 million according to the FSO in 2019), this would correspond to ¹ nearly 800,000 women and ² more than 1,500,000 women.

The difference between the acts of violence suffered and the acts of violence denounced shows that we can still better inform the victims, but also their relatives, about the means of action and the support structures for the victims. And this is precisely the vocation of the web platform www.victimepasseule.ch.
Why choose the WC? Because it is a privileged place of information for such a campaign. First, of course, because everyone has to go there. And then, above all, because the intimacy of the place allows one to become acquainted with this resource in complete discretion.

CHF 3000.- will make it possible to print 10,000 stickers and will also cover the shipping costs.
The WC information campaign aims to contribute to the protection of integrity. A small round sticker (ø 64 mm) will give access to the www.victimepasseule.ch web platform and, through this, to all the resources intended for victims of physical, psychological and sexual violence in Switzerland.
Once the stickers have been printed, institutions and places welcoming the public in Suisse romande will be offered them free of charge and invited to stick them in their WC. Quite simply.