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3513projects close to Locarno in community

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Less is Love

Community and Kids / Youth


Less is Love

by Associazione Helianto

Fundraising by the Helianto Association to renovate the mother-and-child clinic in the Uragaha region of Sri Lanka.

130 %
CHF 7’850
107 backers
Negotiating money&happiness

Publishing, Community, and Education


Does life only revolve around money and business? Or should we be more concerned with achieving a balance between money, happiness and health? Where lies the true power of negotiation?

102 %
EUR 9’199
45 backers
Bootsvermietung Ascona

Community and Tourism


Bootsvermietung Ascona

by Reller Barchette SA

Aufgrund der jetztigen Situation durch das Corona Virus, können wir die Bootsvermietung nicht öffnen. Wir brauchen eure Unterstützung um diese schwere Zeit durchzustehen.

1 %
CHF 120
2 backers
Wir helfen konkret.

Fashion and Community


Beim Kauf einer unserer «100% Made in Italy» Sonnenbrillen, unterstützen wir weltweit Organisationen und Menschen in Not, die vom Kunden ausgewählt werden.

0 %
CHF 95
1 backer
SOS Acero-Ökodorf



Geldmittel sammeln für: Anwaltskosten, Beratung, Organisation und Förderung von Veranstaltungen, um das restliche Kapital zu erreichen, das benötigt wird, um das Acero-Ökodorf von Contone zu erwerben.

101 %
CHF 15’164
68 backers
Ländliche Schulen Argentinie

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Puerto Rico and Cugnasco-Gerra

Ländliche Schulen Argentinie

by Associazione ANTARES

Bildung ist Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft! Wir unterstützen ein Wanderschulprojekt in den ländlichen Gebieten Argentiniens: Helfen Sie uns beim Kauf von Lehrmaterial.

7 %
CHF 260
4 backers
The Legend of the White Ibex

Film, Community, and Environment

Chiasso, Lugano, and Maggia

A poetic-philosophical short film in which the protagonist, trying to escape his nightmares, goes in search of the white ibex that saves him every night from the precipice.

109 %
CHF 16’430
68 backers
Bildraum Miravalle Intragna

Startup, Community, and Art


The Bildraum Miravalle needs heating. The old town house in Intragna became a meeting place for sketchers and should be available for open meetings and courses all year round.

54 %
CHF 22’140
42 backers
Ketsui 2.0

Community and Sport


Ketsui 2.0

by Ketsui

La famiglia del Box di CrossFit Ketsui è cresciuta diventando una vera comunità di persone che vogliono fare sport divertendosi e abbiamo bisogno di uno spazio più grande per ospitare tutti noi e te!

137 %
CHF 41’350
38 backers
Sostieni la GISO il 22.10

Politics, Community, and Environment


Ci presentiamo alle elezioni nazionali 2023 con una lista per il Consiglio Nazionale. Le numerose crisi preoccupano le giovani generazioni, noi vogliamo portare delle risposte concrete e coerenti!

12 %
CHF 246
6 backers
Support Yannick and Nara!

Politics, Community, and Environment


Support Yannick and Nara!

by Yannick Demaria and Nara Valsangiacomo

With this project, you can support Yannick Demaria and Nara Valsangiacomo's campaign for the 2023 Ticino cantonal elections.

115 %
CHF 3’469
35 backers
Psychological trauma

Science and Community


Psychological trauma

by Luca Fongaro

Conduct a research in the context of psychotherapy regarding the improvement of a method suitable for the elaboration of traumatic memories in order to remove them in the shortest time