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3506projects close to Mountsorrel in community

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Mountsorrel. But this may be of interest to you.
LL.M at King's College

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Help an ambitious and motivated young man finance his LL.M studies at the prestigious King's College London!

0 %
0 backers
Empowerment, Not Charity.

Food, Fair Trade, and Community

London, Yaoundé, and Vevey

Empowerment, Not Charity.

by Bantu Chocolate

No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. At Bantu Chocolate we grow our beans, invest in education and go Beyond Fairtrade.

0 %
0 backers
70 ans du Passeport Cohen

Politics, Community, and Literature

London, Paris, and Geneva

70 ans du Passeport Cohen

by Mémoire Albert Cohen

Soutenir les 70 ans de l’Accord de Londres en octobre 2016 à Oxford. Colloque et actions pédagogiques pour entretenir la mémoire et assurer la pérennité de cet inestimable acquis de civilisation.

12 %
CHF 1’562
37 backers
Reise nach London



Reise nach London

by larissa_zweifel

Hilf Severin und Pflegerin, um auf einen Städtetrip nach London zu gehen!

194 %
CHF 6’816
77 backers
Edinburgh Marathon 2022

Community and Sport


Help us raise at least CHF 2'000. for the McMillan Cancer Support Foundation. Each kilometer represents CHF 25. Thank you for your support, this charity cause is really important for us!

111 %
CHF 2’223
40 backers
Carte Manga Accesoires

Games, Community, and Literature


Carte Manga Accesoires

by Flahaut Adeline

Nous avons pour projet la réalisation d’un magasin de jeu de carte, accessoires et manga pour échanger et partager une passion en accueillant des joueurs yugioh, et d’autres jeu de carte

0 %
0 backers
A March Issue

Fashion, Publishing, and Community


What happens if all the models in a fashion magazine wear the same outfit? A passing thought accelerated into reality. Here is a chance to see a glossy magazine shaken up, stripped back and laid bare.

105 %
EUR 4’636
157 backers
Sheroes – Women of Freedom



Sheroes – Women of Freedom

by Priska Baumann and Bas Waijers

Because the World needs Women who are free.

3 %
EUR 330
3 backers
Website for LoveRelationShit

Startup, Community, and Education


Website for LoveRelationShit

by Priska Baumann and Bas Waijers

We need your support to fund our professional website, which will help us kickstart our dream business LoveRelationShit

15 %
EUR 789
12 backers
Auf Eis. Ein Buchprojekt

Photography, Publishing, and Community


Auf Eis. Ein Buchprojekt

by Christoph Schneider, Nelly Rodriguez, and Sean Meaders

«Auf Eis – Barkeeper*innen im Lockdown» stellt die Menschen ins Zentrum, die uns normalerweise die schönsten Abende verschaffen: Mit Bildern und Rezepten, mit Sehnsüchten und Erfahrungen.

111 %
CHF 8’881
140 backers
Your Faith in Humanity

Publishing, Journalism, and Community

Leuven, Hohenlinden, and Basel

Your Faith in Humanity

by Tom and Dimi

The Podcast to Restore it - with Dimi Dumortier and Tom, the founder of The Giraffe Heroes Foundation presenting the Guardians of Humanity, people you may count on; and now we count on YOUR SUPPORT!

102 %
CHF 15’401
48 backers
Umweltlager auf Ameland

Community, Kids / Youth, and Environment


Die 8. Klasse der Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürich möchte ihren Umwelteinsatz in Ameland (Holland) durchführen. Dazu brauche wir deine Unterstützung!