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996projects close to Arteara in education

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Arteara. But this may be of interest to you.
Green Desert 2.0

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Green Desert 2.0

by Jessica Bilali

Rebuilding our permaculture school in Morocco. After the big rainstorm in the desert there was some destruction that we can rebuild with your help!

100 %
CHF 8’003
65 backers
Green Desert

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Green Desert

by Jessica Bilali

With the first permaculture project in southern Morocco, we are counteracting desertification and teaching local people how to be self-sufficient in the long term.

216 %
CHF 54’202
254 backers
Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Fes and Bern

Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

by Hugues Abriel and Patricia Teixidor

We are Nada and Michèle, two students from the University of Bern (Prof. Abriel lab). We want to purchase a simple test device to detect cystic fibrosis, a rare disease, in Africa. Can you help us?

201 %
CHF 16’100
106 backers
RAWA': Dryland Agroecology

Agriculture, Environment, and Education

Amman, Faro, and Zug

RAWA': Dryland Agroecology

by Rawa Agroecology Cooperative

Help us set up RAWA’! We produce video content about dryland agroecology in Arabic. We base our topics on farmers needs & interests and bridge the gap to academia.

100 %
CHF 60’017
263 backers
American Dream

Sport and Education


American Dream

by Andre Felippe Figueiredo

Help me fulfill my dream of studying and playing soccer at a University in the United States.

0 %
0 backers
A Brighter Future for Mboro

Kids / Youth and Education


With your support, we can improve education in Mboro, Senegal. Help us create safe spaces and provide essential school supplies, giving children the chance for a brighter future.

134 %
CHF 2’280
24 backers
Curing, with an open heart

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Fundraising to provide essential healthcare and social services in Mboro Sur Mer, a small village in Senegal. Asia and Emily will work intensively for one month to support the local community.

103 %
CHF 6’830
55 backers
Help school dropout, Senegal

Kids / Youth, Sport, and Education

Geneva and Thies

Help school dropout, Senegal

by BikeToSchool and Projets Responsables

L’équipe BikeToSchool est issue de l’association d’étudiants universitaires œuvrant dans un but commun, celui de donner l’opportunité aux enfants déscolarisés du Sénégal d’avoir accès à l’école.

100 %
CHF 1’000
25 backers
Soutien Ecoliers Sénégal !

Kids / Youth and Education

Dakar, Geneva, and Thies

Notre projet vise à améliorer l’accès à l’école et les conditions de vie des enfants de la région de Thiès au Sénégal notamment en leur fournissant des vélos pour aller à l'école.

18 %
CHF 905
5 backers
Empowering youth by learning

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Empowering youth by learning

by Projets Responsables and Malika school

Malika school une association fondée par cinq étudiants qui a pour mission l'amélioration des conditions de vie de 60 adolescents déscolarisés et analphabètes, dans la commune de Malika, au Sénégal.

133 %
CHF 1’338
23 backers
Ecole de musique à Dakar

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Ecole de musique à Dakar

by Association Afrorenn

Ouverture d'une école de musique à Dakar. Destinée aux enfants défavorisés, elle propose une formation musicale basée sur les musiques modernes et traditionnelles et des cours de rattrapage scolaire.

125 %
CHF 5’026
33 backers
Schools for Peace

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Schools for Peace

by Ecolesdelapaix

We are building a high school for 700 teenagers aged 10-17 in a remote area of Senegal.