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967projects close to Ipojuca in education

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Ipojuca. But this may be of interest to you.
Zero Waste Ambassador

Community, Environment, and Education


Zero Waste Ambassador

by Zero Waste Gabriele

I am Swiss, living in Brazil as a zero waste ambassador and manager of a waste reduction program. I need the support of a basic income to prevent tons of garbage leaking from a waste dump into the sea

17 %
EUR 2’120
10 backers
Education to a better future

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Basel and Tatajuba

We give underpriviledged children in Tatajuba access to sports, global culture, network and most importantly, education, opening doors to better professional opportunities and social stability.

120 %
EUR 7’220
32 backers
A Teacher for SoulTatajuba

Kids / Youth, Sport, and Education

Tatajuba and Basel

«SoulTatajuba» gives underpriviledged children in Tatajuba access to kitesurfing, global culture, network and most importantly, education, opening doors to better professional opportunities.

136 %
EUR 13’616
68 backers
The Other Fribourg

Film, Community, and Education

Nova Friburgo and Fribourg

The Other Fribourg

by Cristiano Bucek

Amid a series of catastrophic climatic changes and food shortages, several Swiss families set sail for Brazil hoping for a better life and have to reinvent themselves in this new land. 50'Documentary.

101 %
CHF 18’335
80 backers
Help Gabriela to be a doctor

Community and Education


Gabriela needs another year to finish her medical studies in Brazil. So she can continue on February 3rd, 2020 we must raise EUR 5,000.

4 %
EUR 200
2 backers
Pão & Beleza

Community and Education


Pão & Beleza

by Cooperaxion, Nachhaltige Entwicklung – Interkultureller Austausch

Wir schaffen Sozial-und Arbeitsintegration für 60 Menschen in Obdachlosigkeit oder prekärem Wohnen. Psychosoziale Beratung, ganzeinheitliche Bildungs-Aktivität, PC-Anwendungskurs & Verpflegung.

10 %
CHF 540
7 backers
Training for YS leaders

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

São Paulo

Training for YS leaders

by Abpi and AbpiTho

After starting a christian scouts group for young people in poor neighborhoods of Sao Paulo, this is the next level: advanced leadership course international by Thomas, Katrin and more!

120 %
CHF 9’613
29 backers
Agri-(Culture) by Tera Kuno

Agriculture, art, and Education


Wir engagieren uns für die Forschung, Förderung und Vermittlung ökologischer Agrarforstsysteme im Amazonasgebiet. Unterstütze uns, um Land zur Gründung eines Kollektiv-Zentrums zu erwerben!

244 %
CHF 61’000
263 backers
Suppe zur Bildung

Kids / Youth, Sport, and Education

Calheta de São Miguel and Calheta de São Miguel

Suppe zur Bildung

by Heinz Ackle Käthi Häfliger

Dank einer Mittagsverpflegung für nur 20 CHF pro Tag kommen 100 Kinder zur Schule. Das Projekt ADEC setzt sich dafür ein, dass Jugendliche durch Bildung und Sport bessere Zukunfts-Chancen haben.

112 %
CHF 5’620
33 backers

Music, Festival, and Education


BSIX développe la musique live au Sénégal en commençant par la Casamance et met en place l’apprentissage de métier du domaine musical: technique, ingénierie son et lumière et administration.

105 %
CHF 2’100
18 backers
Tiloo Werkstatt - Praktikum

Community, Environment, and Education


Hilf uns, im sonnenreichen, aber wirtschaftlich schwachen Gambia zwei interessierten Jungschreinern einen Praktikumsplatz zu ermöglichen.

146 %
CHF 2’190
25 backers

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Bucharest and Dakar



This project has only one goal: to provide disadvantaged children with access to digital education through open-source courses. We have 90 PCs ready to go to Romania and Senegal.