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1045progetti vicino a Greater Noida in editoria

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Das Erbe von Gandhi

Editoria e letteratura

Berna e Nuova Delhi

Das Erbe von Gandhi

di Carmen Zanella

Das eindrucksvolle Porträt von Rajagopal P.V., der gewaltfrei gegen soziale Missstände kämpft und zugleich die Geschichte vom Aufbau einer gewaltlosen Widerstandsbewegung unter den Ärmsten Indiens.

102 %
CHF 2’040
10 sostenitori
A l'école de la route

Fotografia, editoria e sport

Seul, Vancouver e Biškek

A l'école de la route

di A l’école de la route

Après 4 ans autour du monde à vélo, Chris Gionchetta est de retour en Suisse la tête, l’appareil photo et les sacoches de vélo pleins de souvenirs qu'il désire partager avec un livre !

116 %
CHF 5’222
67 sostenitori
The World in 2050

Editoria, sociale e educazione

Bangalore, Lione e Graz

The World in 2050

di The World in 2050

Please support us in making our book available not only to experts, but to the whole of humanity, so that future-oriented business models and products can be developed.

0 %
0 sostenitori
Kotlin for everyone

Editoria e tecnologia


This project is about a new practical book for Kotlin, a beautiful programming language to boost your career in IT, business and rise your creativity.

0 %
0 sostenitori
Ordos, the stillborn city

Fotografia e editoria


Ordos, the stillborn city

di Adrien Golinelli

The world’s biggest new city, Ordos, is under construction in the desert of northern China. It has everything fancier than the others, but still lacks the most essential: its people.

166 %
CHF 13’302
66 sostenitori
Schlaf gut! – Ein Kinderbuch

Editoria, infanzia / giovani e letteratura

Tbilisi e Basilea

Kinder brauchen schöne Bücher! Wir haben ein besonderes Buch in Georgien gefunden und wollen es zweisprachig herausgeben. Eine gewinnende Geschichte und ein Zeichen für den interkulturellen Dialog.

107 %
CHF 3’574
45 sostenitori
Hong Kong In Between 香港之間

Editoria, architettura e sociale

Hong Kong

Hong Kong In Between retrace l’histoire de STAG, un tabouret-sac à dos que nous avons développé afin d’explorer les espaces publics interstitielles et ambigus de cette ville.

111 %
EUR 21’180
89 sostenitori
Parade: Almond Chu

Fotografia, editoria e arte

Hong Kong

Parade: Almond Chu

di Almond Chu

PARADE, a photography project conceived by Almond Chu twelve years ago, consists of a fine art publication, a limited edition of archival prints and an exhibition to be held in Hong Kong in September.

14 %
EUR 3’740
14 sostenitori
Romantic Emotions in Motion

Editoria e arte


«Romantic Emotions in Motion» is the name of the book that I would like to fund to publish with crowdfunding. The book is an art book with the best images from my portfolio which are well approved.

0 %
0 sostenitori
Book of Community Stories

Fotografia, editoria e sociale

Berlino, Dublino e Beirut

This year it will be five years since femLENS did its first photo workshop. Since then we have done 13 workshops in 7 countries. We would like to publish a book highlighting the stories made!

0 %
EUR 35
1 sostenitore
It's Your Adventure Gamebook

Giochi, editoria e letteratura


An exciting gamebook adventure series that does not require the use of dice. Print at home and play right away!

4 %
EUR 20
2 sostenitori
Ukraine: soutien à l’édition

Scienza, editoria e letteratura


Ukraine: soutien à l’édition

di Pierre Mounier, Caroline e mmaryl

La guerre en Ukraine a un impact sur nos collègues professionnel.le.s de l’édition savante. Notre programme de soutien aux éditeurs ukrainiens leur apporte l’aide dont ils ont besoin.