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324projects close to Touba in science

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Touba. But this may be of interest to you.
Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Fes and Bern

Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

by Hugues Abriel and Patricia Teixidor

We are Nada and Michèle, two students from the University of Bern (Prof. Abriel lab). We want to purchase a simple test device to detect cystic fibrosis, a rare disease, in Africa. Can you help us?

201 %
CHF 16’100
106 backers
Climate protection practice

Science, agriculture, and Environment


We give the water back to the soil, thus making vegetation and soil development possible. Support us in establishing agroforestry systems and help to have a positive influence on the climate.

143 %
CHF 7’865
57 backers
Expedition Glacialis

Science, Community, and Environment

Ilulissat and Açores

Expedition Glacialis

by Virginie Wyss, Richard Mardens, and Arnaud Conne

A human adventure on the sailing boat Atlas in the Arctic that combines SCIENCE & EDUCATION. We will study and census marine mammals, birds, pollution and climate change.

101 %
CHF 40’571
244 backers
Rettung für den Ossa-See

Science, Environment, and Animals


Rettung für den Ossa-See

by Crowdfund for AMMCO - Ossa Lake

Der Schwimmfarn vom Typ «Salvinia molesta» muss bekämpft werden und es gibt nun eine gute Chance, dies zu tun!

0 %
CHF 110
2 backers
Hôpital Galagala, Cameroun

Science, architecture, and Community


L’Association Hôpital Galagala existe dans le but de soutenir la construction et la maintenance d’un hôpital au Nord du Cameroun. Aidez-nous à poser la dernière pierre de ce magnifique projet!

192 %
CHF 5’780
40 backers
Humanitarian Hackathon 2017

Science, Startup, and Technology

Meyrin and Geneva

Humanitarian Hackathon 2017

by THE Port Association, Christina Andreou, and Ines

THE Port Humanitarian Hackathon aims to demonstrate how fundamental science can benefit to society through the creation of tangible and cost-efficient technological solutions to humanitarian issues.

100 %
CHF 15’030
47 backers
«Blue Butterfly»

Science and Performing Arts

Lausanne and Geneva

«Blue Butterfly»

by The Catalyst

A new transmedia theater play created by an international team of artists and scientists – help make this innovative cross-disciplinary piece come to life with high-quality projection mapping!

5 %
CHF 350
9 backers
The Parthenon Marbles

Science and Film


The Parthenon Marbles

by Parthenon Suisse

We need your help to produce a short film to rally support for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, a unique work of art, within the splendid Acropolis Museum.

101 %
CHF 31’961
21 backers
Bestiaire de l’Anthropocène

Science, Publishing, and Environment

Geneva and Lausanne

Atlas de spécimens hybrides, imprimé à l’encre argentée sur du papier noir, le «Bestiaire de l’Anthropocène» vous captivera! Prenez part à ce superbe projet, au croisement des sciences et du design!

102 %
CHF 6’120
71 backers
Pain Patterns

Science, Startup, and Technology


Pain Patterns

by antonia.lomer

I created Pain Patterns to enable women differentiate menstrual cramps-which are normal from menstrual pain-which is not normal, with the intention to speed up diagnostic of PCOS & Endometriosis.

14 %
CHF 1’657
25 backers
Arcade pour l'Océan

Science, Environment, and Education


Nous recherchons un soutien pour financer une arcade. Ce lieu associatif nous permettra de dispenser des cours de biologie marine + organiser des événements de sensibilisation aux enjeux océaniques.

106 %
CHF 26’720
105 backers
Science for all

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education


Science for all

by kandikit and Projets Responsables

Six étudiants, fondateurs de l’association KANDIKIT, se réunissent pour entreprendre une nouvelle mission: mener un combat pour promouvoir l’éducation scientifique aux lycéens de Kandi, au Bénin.