WebShops.Get the right size

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FashionOnlineShopping challenge, get the right size. Our 3D scanner takes body measures, compares them with the garment measures suggesting the proper sizes. Help us to build next generation Web Shop.


0% de CHF 38’000

0 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

0 contributeur*rice

Clôturé le 20.4.2019

Purchase clothes online without return of goods

MOST (my.own.size.technology) is our 3D technology to boost fashion online shopping. Would you buy clothes online on a web shop where clothes are in style with your taste? A web shop where you can find products accordingly with your favorite price range? A web site with integrated size matching service? A web site where you can monetize your purchase behaviour data having extra cash for shopping? Well, if you answer yes to all questions you are in the right place, please help us to create the next online shopping generation.

Promoters network
Promoters network

What we wanna do

We get commissions selling goods for third party online fashion shops, we will share our revenues with you, consumers and promoters network. As promoter you will take care to measure and register new users, as consumer you can buy clothes that fits with your taste and your own size.

The choice of online fashion clothes is very big. Several multiple brand online shops are selling fancy, expensive and tight clothes. On our shop we will offer to you a large selection of products, for every style, for every size and for every price range.

User mobile App, will support multiple users management, you can save the measurement of your kids, of your husband or grandma. Want to buy a gift for your boyfriend and or girlfriend? The App can share third party fitting size, fast and easy isn’t it?

Having fix commissions for each purchase, and earning money to view fashion advertising, discounts and more, you will always have extra budget to buy clothes on our online shop.

Several similar size matching tool are not so fast and easy to use as they promise, our system is faster, we do not require to be undressed, we just need frontal body view, with full respect of privacy. All of this is made for you.

Multiple brand online shop
Multiple brand online shop

Why we need your help

We believe in what we do, right now we self funded everithing, company registration, research & development, hardware, world wide patent, and a lot of men’s hours for free.

Actually we have a desktop version, using a computing unit (PC) plus a depth sensor, the initial cost of hardware is quite high to make our start up eligible for an investment. To be more scalable we need a mobile phone App to acquire a 3D body shape, so the measurement computation can be done on a cloud.

We are in contact with the spinn off of a Swiss university, they have made a good 3D scanner mobile App, however, to work with our technology, custom made modifications are needed and cannot be done for free.

Having the mobile version, we can start to search for investors without loose 50% of our shares on early stage, having more than a minimum viable product.

Please help us to create next generation of fashion online shopping being part of our community.

  • Our Team
    Our Team
  • Project timeline
    Project timeline
  • Most Logo
    Most Logo
  • Desktop version -software overview
    Desktop version -software overview