Wellis Mac - Verona EP

de MB

Bâle et Berlin

The Wellis Mac EP is my solo project and my first release since my days with Mañana. To realize my debut, I need your support!

CHF 6’174

137% de CHF 4’500

137 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

96 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 16.7.2014


Since the start of this campaign a lot has happened. Please also see the «News» section above.

What is it about?

Wellis Mac is my new solo project. This highly personal production is the essence of my music of the last few years, whose only constant has been the search for change.

My time in Mañana was decisive for my musical development and «the day after tomorrow» turned into one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had. I left behind a familiar context and found a new musical freedom in such collaborations as the band All Hands.

The five songs on the debut Wellis Mac EP are the product of this new musical freedom as well as of ICE trains between Basel and Berlin, evenings at the Piazza delle Erbe in Verona, and of course all the good music that continues to inspire me.

What I need your support for

I have already begun recording this material, but in order to give these songs the final polish they deserve, I need your support! Your donation will be invested in studio time, in mastering, and in equipment rental. I’ll be co-producing the record with my good friend Jascha Dormann from the band laFayette. Guest musicians include Sandro Corbat (Scratches), Benjamin Gut (Kapoolas), Sean LeClair and Niko Seibold.

As thanks for your support, you can choose from a limited-edition CD designed by yours truly, a shirt, a poster, and many other things. Take a look at the options to the right.

You cannot imagine how happy I am to share my new songs with you and the whole world after such a long break!

Let there be rock!


Manuel lives in Basel and Berlin. Along with his work as a musician, he works in the fields of graphic design, film, and video.

His music has taken him far beyond the local world of Northwest Switzerland that nourished his first musical endeavors. «Miss Evening», one of the first songs Manuel wrote for Mañana, was featured in the video game Fifa Football 05, so Manuel’s music made its debut in over seven million living rooms. The same song was later nominated for the Independent Music Awards in the US.

Manuel’s bands have performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Avo Session in Basel, and Tedx in Zurich, while also touring all over Europe and even playing concerts in Toronto as well as at the legendary Bowery Ballrom in New York.

Mañana’s debut LP was produced by Ken Thomas (Sigur Rós, Björk, M83, Dave Gahan) and published in special editions in Japan and Korea.

Manuel is looking forward to his next journey with his new project Wellis Mac, wherever the trip takes him!