Ein poetisch-philosophischer Adventkalender zum Mitdenken, der nicht nur Freude zur Weihnachtszeit bringt, sondern auch die Kreativität junger südafrikanischer Künstler*innen ins Rampenlicht stellt.

EUR 1’149

114% von EUR 1’000

114 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

8 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 19.11.2024

Thank you, dear SupportersVon Poetry in Business, am 26.12.2024

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Bird by Tshenolo Sebole for Poetry in Business Advent Calendar 2024
Bird by Tshenolo Sebole for Poetry in Business Advent Calendar 2024

With heartfelt gratitude, I close the chapter on this truly extraordinary project. Those who opted for the bullet journal and calendar will receive it in the next weeks - it’s just being printed for you! Yours, Christina

The Journey almost begins...Von Poetry in Business, am 29.11.2024

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ar Supporters of the Poetry in Business Advent Calendar! We are about to embark on our journey. I am so happy to have you on board, either as a full participant or as a passive supporter who will receive our travel report - in the form of bullet journal - afterwards. If you supported us and wanted to stay anonymous, I cannot see who you are. I’d be very happy to include you in our journey or at least provide a personal thank-you note. So please send me a message - I’d really appreciate it. Looking forward to this coming Sunday when we’ll kick it all off! Yours, Christina and in the name of Tshenolo