Supporting various social projects is part of who we are. «Wiener Philharmoniker Haus für Asylsuchende» will set an example of humanitarianism and «harmony».

EUR 82’365

109% di EUR 75’000

109 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

305 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 22.1.2016

Taking on the responsibility

The issue of accommodating refugees and of future coexistence presents a particular challenge to many Austrian communities at this time. To the irritation of the general public, many cases verge on private profit-making off the back of the most needy. With our initiative, which arises out off close cooperation with the local community and the DIAKONIE Refugee Commission, we want to support and strengthen people in need – and also their faithful helpers in the region.

Chairman Andreas Großbauer explains: «We do not just want to set the example of a humanitarian attitude, we also want to encourage an understanding from which everyone can benefit long term – the communities and our own society.»

Setting a united example
Setting a united example

The project

We want to open a house for asylum seekers, which, after acquisition and adaption, will be passed into the capable hands of the DIAKONIE Refugee Commission. This house, its inhabitants and the town, in which it is located, will be supported by an active patronage.

A former inn in Lower Austria, which is spacious enough for four refugee families, was found to be perfect for the job. The Wiener Philharmoniker Haus will not just provide accommodation, but will also be a meeting place. A place for cultural dialogue,
exchange and benefit concerts. Where polyphony and harmony will be practised and embodied from all sides.

A place with future
A place with future

We will use our voices. We are committed to a multi-voiced society.

Many friends and companions of the Vienna Philharmonic have already pledged their support. You too can become part of the Wiener Philharmoniker Haus, and help us set an example to others.

Helping together
Helping together

Help us help others!

With your support we can provide the start-capital for a life worth living und support people in the region. Each and every contribution will be rewarded with a particular «thank you». Spread the good mood and tell everyone about our initiative! Your support will enable us to buy the building and start renovation work as soon a possible, so that we can pass on the house into the capable hands of the DIAKONIE Refugee Commission.