We would like to realize a performance project that sets the Dada movement in today’s context, exploring the ever-changing world with irony and critical sense.

EUR 1’502

100% de EUR 1’500

100 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

6 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 24.4.2016


What is WITZ?

– joke, fun, spirit, humor, ingenuity –

The multi-meanings of Witz help us to understand the character of the Dadaists, consciously irreverent, eccentric artists who rejected the society of their time and their value system. They aspired to creative freedom by destroying settled ideals and standards and trying to replace reason and logic by the irrational.

For 100th anniversary of Dada, we want to realize a performance project that sets the Dada movement in the present context and that can be interpreted from the perspective, exploring the ever-changing world with irony and critical sense. The playful involvement of all the senses is intended to merge different levels of experience and to convey the spirit of Dada-symbolically.

Who we are

We are a group of artists with a childlike soul. We face the challenge to realize a Dada performance. Our group is constantly growing, because every life experience, every individual passion and every faculty of fundamental importance for the realization of the project is. Currently, the group consists of three us, the project founders, the black and white writing on a sheet!

We want to invite twenty visual artists, an art historian, invite a musician and some photographers, and twenty dancers ( students of the art school or young actors ). You are of course all invited! You are part of our project!

The project

WITZ is one game, a lively story.

WITZ is an inherently unique, appealing to all the senses experience that is intended for a captive audience.

Imagine a large, empty room with background music: twenty artist’s hats are hang on the wall, arranged along the stage. On the floor twenty pairs of shoes, are placed on colorful stripes: they show unexpected new roads and point of views.

Twenty young, black-white-clad dressed performers enter to the room, silently and barefoot. The music, characterized by a sudden crescendo and decrescendo, can be listen to all. Each performer will approach with slow movements to each one of colorful stripes. They will make the shoes aside, take off the hat and put them on the ground in front of them. With hinting unexpected body movements they will express an ironic and bizarre sentence in constant exchange with the opposite performer. The performance is interrupted by a shrill sound. Everything can start all over again! The action will last no longer than ten minutes. During the performance, the pictures are taken and shot a video.

Where does it take place?

The performance will take place in a public showroom in La Spezia. We realize the performance with the help of the school. Students of the art school and musical performers will spice. The exhibition space of the school, the room of the LAS, will be set up to achieve the performance. Then we’ll realize the exhibition at Il Gabbiano Arte Contempo ranea in La Spezia!

We need you!

Your support is extremely important, because the realization of the project depends on the financing obtained. If you support this project, you will help us not only in the implementation, but carry also helps to start a major project for the dissemination of the Dada art.

Thank you all for your support. All are welcome to join in!