¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

The Podcast to Restore It! - mit Dimi Dumortier und Tom, Gründer der Giraffe Heroes Foundation, welche die Guardians of Humanity präsentiert, Menschen, auf die Du zählen kannst - und wir auf Dich?!!

CHF 15’400

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48 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 9.3.2023

Our mascotte the QilinVon Dimi, am 12.02.2023

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

In this little video Tom dives into the meaning of the mythological animal depicted in our logo: The Qilin (say Tshee-Lin). As you will see, this animal also has a strong link to the African giraffe. Meanwhile, keep spreading the word! We need your support, and that of your friends. Help restoring Faith in Humanity!

What is a Guardian?Von Dimi, am 02.02.2023

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

Is a Guardian a kind of gatekeeper? Or does he reside in the heart of the people? This 2-minute video will briefly tell you what kind of people we will present to you in our monthly podcast. Meanwhile, please spread the word! We need your support, and that of your friends. Help restoring Faith in Humanity!

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Thank you for your support and I would like to give a few words of background information to the Danke Schön Video by Guardian Humadi on the project page: he made it for and with a group of refugees from Africa who had managed to cross the Mediterranean without drowning and were accommodated by Humadi and his villages neighbors. They found themselves warmly welcome and over a couple of month an intense friendship started to evolve. But, alas, after a year they had to move on and who knows whether they got a residence permit or had to leave Germany. Everybody was sad and so Humadi composed this farewell song and performance with them…..