Zack Zack Zack - Debut Album

di Zack Zack Zack


Support us in our dream to press our first album onto vinyl! We are not just making music, we are building a community with an innovative sound, mixing genres and connecting people. Join us!

EUR 1’330

44% di EUR 3’000

44 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

28 sostenitori

Concluso il 2.7.2021


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  • Good luck from Baltimore! Loved your EP btw and play it regularly during my sets!

    Nicholai Wojtowycz il 30.6.2021 20:47

  • Their sound is great and unique! Independent artists deserve our support :)

    handule il 11.6.2021 13:23

  • weil´s einfach gut ist!

    Christian Zimmermann il 2.6.2021 17:18

  • Drücke Euch die Daumen, dass Euer Album ein Erfolg wird! LG, Volker

    Volker Betz il 2.6.2021 16:14