This zine project is my latest work, showing a trip to Thailand to visit an old friend. The zine consists of portraits, documentary and street photography over 70 pages.

EUR 15’683

104% di EUR 15’000

104 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

28 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 7.7.2020

This is what it's all about.

My project involves printing my new zine independently or with a publisher, and eventually, creating an exhibition showing my photography in addition with a video installation in Vienna and London.

  • pink fan on red stool
    pink fan on red stool
  • burap
  • ah

My project is special because ...

The title of the zine ’Fernweh, oder der Unterschied zwischen muessen und duerfen’ translates to ’Longing for the distant, or the difference between must and must not’. In this work i would like to express the emotion which correlates to the word ’Fernweh’. Translated, this word means as much as ’longing for the distant’. More specifically the word ’weh’ translates to ’pain’ or ’hurt’. I often feel the urge, to see new landscapes and experience different ways of living, societies and cultures, and being able to meet new people. This is one of the reasons why i chose my profession With the second part of the title ’the difference between must and must not’ i would like to emphasize a point of view, that one can have an awareness of perception, by differentiating circumstances.

  • delirium
  • white cat guarding gold watches
    white cat guarding gold watches
  • girl with snake
    girl with snake

This is what I need backing for.

As the printing of the zine and the realisation of an exhibition is quite an cost endeavor, i hope for your support to make this project happen :-)

  • mirror, cables and blue sky
    mirror, cables and blue sky
  • plants in water
    plants in water
  • pim