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To all the contributors, we would like to say a big THANK YOU! Thanks to you, we exceeded our target and raised more than 8,100 CHF! Seven campaign weeks, 51 contributors, many messages of support … we would like to thank you: without you, nothing would have been possible. We will inform you of the rest in the next 2 weeks (photos of the laboratory, rewards …)
Merci infiniment / Grazie mille / Merci infiniment. Elena, Piero et Mauro
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ar supporter, once again, a huge thank you for participating in our project. After 10 days, we reached a share of almost 7,000 CHF. We are unable to express all our gratitude and, as mentioned, we do not want to stop. We still have 20 days ahead of us and we will do our utmost to make our dream come true.
We will keep you updated and thank you again for your confidence in Citrolle.
Elena, Piero, Mauro www.citrolle.com info.citrolle@gmail.com
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ar supporter, first of all we want to thank you for participating in our project. As you have probably already seen, after just 48 hours we have already exceeded our minimum target of 5,000 CHF. And this, above all thanks to your precious contribution.
For reasons of confidentiality, we cannot yet know who you are and how much you have donated. We will only know at the end of the project, in a month. We will then contact you directly.
We are proud of how many supporters we had in the first two days. But we don’t stop there. We want to continue to expand the group, and keep in touch with all of you.
We will keep you updated and thank you again for your confidence in Citrolle.
Elena, Piero, Mauro www.citrolle.com info.citrolle@gmail.com