Beer Brothers - a family adventure
Beer Brothers was born out of a desire to bring people together, but above all to share something authentic and respectful. Since 2017, our micro-brewery has been constantly developing to bring you quality beers. Founded by three brothers and their partner, this family brew combines the pleasure of working with good products and real customer relations. Because the icing on the cake (or the foam on our beer) is you. As a lover of good products and conscious of our environment, we give our spent grains (post-brewing) back to the local market gardens to help the fruits and vegetables grow while protecting the soil fauna.
After a few years and thousands of litres of beer drunk, we want to improve our production equipment to increase capacity and quality. In addition to this, we would like to increase our contact with you: that’s why we want to set up brewing workshops, so that we can share our passion with you even more.
Who, what, how and how much?
Today we are appealing to your generosity and support, whether you are a loyal customer or just a curious amateur. The entire project will cost us CHF 50,000, which will be covered by our financial reserves and your generous donations. In more detail, here are our future projects that will be made possible by these investments:
- Expansion of our boiling tank
- Purchase of one or more larger fermenters
- Purchase of a cold room or building of a custom cold room
- Purchase of individual brewing stations for brewing courses
- Investment in additional fountains and kegs to cover more events
- Purchase of a keg washer (our arms are getting tired!)
- Purchase of barrels from local winemakers, for the creation of recipes combining the sweet aroma of the barrels and the wort of the beer
- Improvement of our brewing process through some automation (most of the work is still done manually)
- Raw materials: hops, malt, etc.
- Amortization of our Beer Brothers Truck, in which we invested in 2021 for our weekly presences at the various markets in the region
Finally, 10% will be donated to the WeMakeIt website for operating costs.
Added bonus
Dear contributors, don’t forget to write your name correctly when you make your financial contribution! We will collect all generous donors name to put them on our next batch of coasters.