Biohack Retreat Klöntal 2017

de dusjagr et

Glaris et Zurich

Biohacking is Citizen Science! With YOU we enable this unique global gathering of biohackers and artists to give you an insight of how an open collaborative exchange can rethink the world we live in.

CHF 18’287

243% de CHF 7’500

243 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

51 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 16.9.2017

Retreat – 5 Days Biohacking and Art in Klöntal, Switzerland

In cooperation with, the artist Maya Minder invites people from the international biohacker scene to stay in Klöntal (Alpine valley in the Canton of Glarus, Switzerland). Scientists, hackers and artists meet for the development of ideas and open exchange. Biohacking is an open science movement that tries to make science more accessible through a playful approach to biology and the life sciences. Public workshops in the temporary laboratory provide insights into the subject matter. Under guidance simple Do-It-Yourself laboratory instruments are built and through experimentation with living organisms we will speculate and reflect about alternative approaches to bio- and food technologies. This has partially utopian potential, stands in contrast to commercially motivated research and offers easy access to complex research topics.

Open Science – Collective Research and Reflection

Biohack Retreat Klöntal invites the most brilliant minds in the biohacking sphere. Biohacking is Citizen Science and DIY / DIWO (Do it yourself / Do it with others), which as open science movements stand for alternative paths to do research. Everyone can, everyone is allowed to, everyone should participate in the discussion. In the retreat with workshops and expeditions around the Klöntalersee (Lake of Klöntal), we want to explore the questions of biology, ecosystems and wherever we as society are involved in the interface of technology, science and the environment.

What the heck is Biohacking?

Hacking biology to create something beautiful!

Transdisciplinary, Intercultural and Global

We need your support to carry out this multi-day retreat, especially for the travel and subsistence costs of our internationally invited guests from Taiwan, USA, Indonesia and Europe.

The Biohack Retreat Klöntal offers the opportunity to participate in a 5-day retreat with field trips and workshops and to enjoy the best company. Choose with your support a shorter or longer stay with food and accommodation in the fantastic and idyllic alpine valley of Klöntalersee.

Biohack Retreat Klöntal is part of the Klöntal Triennale 2017 and a collaboration between Gasthaus: Fermentation and Bacteria (Maya Minder) and Hackteria I Open Source Biological Art (Marc Dusseiller).